Forever together! Or not...

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My name is Kagamine Rin! I live right across my childhood friend/partner in singing/major crush. I just recently started liking him but I could never tell him... I'm honestly fine being friends with him so it doesn't matter to me.

As I was eating my breakfast, being nervous about my first day at high school, I heard a knock at my door. I knew exactly who it was. It was Kagamine. Thing is our parents don't know we are friends or that we know each other. We felt like it would freak them out that there was someone who looked identical to us and had the same sir name.

I opened the door to see Len. "Len-kun! Are you ready?!" I asked excitedly. He smiled and nodded."As long as there aren't fangirls." I just sighed and rolled my eyes. "Of course there are going to be fangirls, silly!" This time it was Len who sighed. "Rin! Who is it at the door!" I heard my mom yell. "Just a friend! I'll be going to school now, bye!"

We walked to school next to each other and I couldn't help but feel nervous being around him. I felt like a complete idiot falling in love with my childhood friend and never telling him. I'm just going to have to get over it. Once we got to school, I saw Gumi, my best friend running towards us.

"How are my favorite lovebirds doing?" Gumi had asked us. That pissed me off whenever Gumi did that, and she knew it. "We aren't lovebirds, gumi-chan." Len said after she said that. Gumi smirked,"You can't hide it forever!" She was really starting to piss me off and she knew it. When I first realized I loved Len, Gumi was the first and the only one I told.

We headed off to class and Gumi had to split from us because she had a different class then Len and I. But Len and I didn't have to split up at all because we had seats right next to each other. Len had a sigh of relief when we sat down, "First day of high school... Wonder what is going to happen." He had said. That was when I spotted a few fangirls. They were obviously Otakus. They kept pointing at us and talking. One even walked over to us.

"You guys are Len and Rin, right?" She asked us. I nodded. "That's so cool! Wanna be friends?" She seemed annoying and clingy. Especially to Len. "No thanks. I'm fine with the friends I have." I don't know what the feeling was but I didn't want her close to Len. "Don't be rude, Rin-chan. Yeah we can be your friends." Len gave his normal sweet smile. I had to do something about it. I couldn't let that girl get too close to him. What am I saying? It's not like I care even if I do like him...


The whole day was nerve racking. That one fangirl named Hana, I think, kept trying to cling to me. Thing is there is someone else I like, I just haven't been able to confess to her yet. She has always been there for me since I could remember. Kagamine Rin. It was finally lunch time and Hana pulled me aside.

Rin looked upset like she had the whole day. That made me curious. "Len-kun..." Hana had started to say but paused and was blushing. Oh great, a confession... I get those too much but only had one girlfriend my whole life even though we aren't dating anymore, Hatsune Miku. I just listened to what Hana had to say because it would be rude to not. "I-I like you! Will you go out with me?" Hana got up close and was on her tippy toes.

I pushed her down a bit and gave the sweetest, even though it was fake, smile I could smile. "I'm sorry... But I like someone else." I said honestly. It looked like she was going to cry any second. Tears were welling up in her eyes. "Plus... Even though you have known me for a while, I just met you." I added on trying to make her understand. She looked down to the ground,"It's her. Isn't it?" She mumbled the question and then ran off. Her? She probably either meant Rin or Miku.

That was when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked around. Rin? "Rin-chan? What are you doing here?" I questioned. "You guys were right beside the classroom. I heard." She answered. She was right, it was kind of stupid of Hana if she didn't want to be heard. "Oh, I see. If gets kind of tiring having all these confessions." I told her. Why did it look like she was going to cry?
"I'm tired..." I heard Rin mumble under her breath but didn't hear the whole thing. "What?" I asked wondering. "I said... I'm tired... Of all the confession." She said. "Yeah, you get confessed to a lot too, don't you?" I said with a smile while a bit of pain hit my heart. A tear fell down her cheeks. And she looked up from the ground."That isn't what I meant! I'm tired of you being confessed to! Someone might take you away from me! It was different with Miku cuz I didn't like you then but things have changed!" Two confessions in one day, I wasn't surprised of that. I was surprised it was the girl I loved confessing to me...

People started to crowd so I took Rin's hand and led her to a more private place, an abandoned classroom and locked the doors. "Wh-what are you doing, Len-kun?" She asked with a tremble in her voice. I turned to her and started walking close to her. She started backing up though. "Those were words I've been wanting to hear from you for a while. I like you too, Rin-chan." I smiled a real smile. She looked surprised and stopped backing up. So I let that to be my chance to kiss her. I leaned in and out lips touch and she didn't push me away like she did with other guys who tried to hit on her.

The day couldn't get any better. Rin and I kissed and are probably going out now, which made me very happy. We walked home together, hand in hand. The school doesn't know that we are going out yet, thank god. We separated and I went into my house and she went into hers. "Len." My dad was waiting for me at the door. "Dad? What are you doing here, I thought you had work." I said to him. "Today is a special day. You know your mom and I are divorced already, right?" He had asked me. I hated that topic. They got divorced right after I was born so I never met my mother. I clicked my toungue and said, "Yeah I know."

"Good. Well, you are going to meet her today because we are getting married again." Married again? My parents are idiots. But I had to admit, I never heard anything but good things about my mother, so I was excited to meet her. Anyway it has been 14 years... "You are going to meet her along with meeting your sister." My dad had added on. Sister? I never heard anything about having a sister. "What do you mean 'sister' you never told me I had a sister!" I was confused right then. "Your twin sister. I'm pretty sure you met her already. I've seen you guys hanging out. But you never mentioned her." Rin... That was the only person I never mentioned to my dad... This can't be happening.

Then the doorbell rang and my father opened it. There was a woman and her daughter who looked pretty much identical to me. The daughter was exactly who I thought and exactly who I didn't want it to be. Why? Why does my twin sister have to be my girlfriend?

(Author's note: Hey guys! This is my first Fanfic! Please vote, add to library, and comment on this! And please follow my account!!Thank you!!)

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