KaitoXRin still together

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(Yeah, for once I'm starting with Len)
"What do you mean you are breaking up with me? Your the one who was crawling back desperately to me!" Miku was shouting once I announced I was breaking up with her. "I only did that so I could get over Rin..." I said to her and then bowed politely, "I'm sorry I used you."

"I know that very well, so does that mean you are over Rin...?" Asked Miku. I shook my head and then she got angry again. "If you aren't, stay with me, I'll help you! I promise I will!" Tears were in her eyes now. "No... I'm afraid something will happen between Rin and I like before." I told her the truth.

She looked down. I couldn't see her eyes but I could see the tears falling down her cheeks. "I understand... I hope we can still be friends." She finally said. "I hope so too." And with that I walked away, I couldn't stay there with a crying girl. It made me feel really bad. The wedding is soon, I need to be more focused on that.

As I walked into the house, Rin asked me, "Where were you?" I looked at her and said bluntly, "Breaking up with Miku for our sake." Her eyes widened, "For our sake? What do you mean?"

"I didn't want the same thing to happen again, also I really don't like Miku..." I told her as I looked away and prepared to tell the truth while I was blushing, "I still like you..."

When I heard Len confess to me, I looked straight to the ground, "oh, I see... Well I was using Kaito to forget about you too...Thing is, I think I fell in love with him during that time, I'm not so sure about my own feelings." I told Len the complete truth.

Len just nodded, "I understand, and I won't be upset if you did fall in love with him." Then he just walked off to his room. Len still likes me... I couldn't believe it... The next day arrived and I went to spend the day with Kaito.

"So, the wedding is soon..." Kaito said. "Yeah, and once that happens, Len and I will be reunited siblings." I said with a smile. "I wanna make sure of something... You like me now, right?"Kaito asked me and I nodded even though I wasn't sure. Now was the time to say it, though

"I don't just like you... I love you." I finally said it, but it wasn't the same as when I was with Len... Am I making the right choice?

(Author's Note: Please vote, comment, and subscribe to me! Also I need help, comment below on weather Rin and Len should be a couple or just stay as siblings! Please help me with that! Thanks! )

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