Don't Worry Your Head About Hongjoong

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For real though, don't worry. He's going to be fine. It's just a sickfic, what can go wrong? (And yes, it has something to do with his head.)

It's a short but hopefully sweet one. Enjoy!

Hongjoong's POV

I miss Kingdom. On days like this, I really miss working with 3racha and Minhyuk. Our short collab was really fun. When we shared ideas with each other, it was much easier to create. And today, with just me in the studio, I couldn't think of anything.

Other members had already left after practice, so I hoped to finish quickly and spend some time with them. Obviously, it was not going to happen.
I began to spin around in my chair mindlessly. I need ideas, anything would do.

As my frustration grew, the speed of my turning increased as well. And now I realise it wasn't that smart because not even a minute later I was on the floor. It was too fast for my poor chair, resulting in a fall. I registered a sharp pain on the upper left side of my forehead and gasped. Fearfully, I put my hand to that spot and then looked at my palm. No blood, I'm not bleeding.

Which was probably the only good news as I could already feel the headache coming. Great. Now I wouldn't make any progress with new song for sure. Maybe at least I could carry out second part of my plan for tonight and hang out with the boys. With that thought, I packed my things and soon after I was in a car, with my manager taking me to the dorm.

* * *

"You're back early," Seonghwa said. He was sitting on a couch, surrounded by others. They were watching some comedy.

"Yeah, wanted to spend the evening with y'all."

"That's sweet, hyung," San smiled at me.

I sat down with them and tried to decipher what happened in the first half of the film, but it wasn't easy as my head was still hurting, and so I ended up dozing off.

"Joong, the film is over. We're about to eat," I woke up to Seonghwa's voice. I blinked a few times, not yet fully conscious.

"Not hungry," I mumbled.

"Come on, get up. You have to eat something."

"Want to sleep."

"What made you so tired, love?"

"Dunno..." I let myself be helped up. And it was only then that I felt how nauseous I was.

"I'm going to be sick," I stuttered out and weakly run to the bathroom with Hwa following me. I made it just in time and my stomach released everything I've eaten that day.

"Did you catch a flu?" He asked me and started brushing my hair with his hand. I didn't get to reply because he accidentally touched my bruise and I gasped.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He gently pushed my hair aside and saw my skin painted purple. "Have you hit your head?"

"Hurts," I quietly whispered, feeling like I'm going to vomit again if I say anything more.

"Joong, you hit your head and thrown up, you might have a concussion. I'm taking you to the hospital. And we'll talk about it later."

I would try to argue if I was less confused, but it was pointless now anyway.

Again, he helped me up, even more carefully this time, and we walked out of the bathroom.

"Are we going to eat now?" asked Wooyoung when he saw us.

"Eat without us, I'm taking Hongjoong to the hospital."

"What?" "Why?" "What happened?" I could hear questions coming from all the directions and it didn't help my headache.

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