Wooyoung - Comforting hug

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Wooyoung's POV

Umbrella. Woosan. Such a simple word that many use casually in their daily life. For me though, it means everything. Just like umbrella protects you from the rain, that's what our friendship looks like. No matter what, we are there for each other, going through all the hardships together, shielding each other. At least we used to...

My day wasn't great. First I slept in and was in rush to make it on time for the schedule. During practice I made multiple mistakes so I decided to stay behind to correct them, but one of the staff members got annoyed at me for making them work overtime. That made me feel really remorseful. I just packed my things as quickly as possible and went back to the dorm, not satisfied with myself. Quite the opposite.

I entered unnoticed and my feet took me to San's room. That's the place, that's home. I know I should probably take a shower but I desperately needed cuddles and maybe some words of comfort.

I peeked through the door and I smiled at the sight. San fall asleep and he had Yeosang in his arms. They were adorable, my two closest friends. Just looking at them made me feel slightly better, more at peace. I slowly went over to join their cute pile and carefully lied down on the mattress. What surprised me was the elbow in my belly. As I tried to get closer to them, San just hit me and snuggled tighter to Sangie, at the same time turning his back to me.

My hand jumped to that spot, trying to ease the pain. But I knew it was pointless anyway, as it wasn't what really hurt me. Dejected, I slipped from San's bed and went to my own room. Apparently I wasn't wanted there with them.

My bed was cold and stiff. I couldn't rest; no matter how comfortably I tried to position myself, it always felt uncomfortable. My heart was heavy and the night was long. I was hoping tomorrow everything would be better.

Next day

After I woke up I stumbled to the kitchen, feeling more lonely than ever.

"How did you sleep," asked Seonghwa hyung, while preparing breakfast.

"Not bad," I replied automatically, before I had time to think about the question. I was contemplating whether to hug him but he was cooking and I didn't want him to accidentally burn himself.

"Good, just wait a bit more and food will be ready," he informed me with a smile.

With that I went to our living room and saw Sannie and Sangie cuddling on the couch. Maybe last night didn't mean anything. They were asleep, they wouldn't willingly reject me. Right?

Hesitantly I sat next to the affectionate duo. They didn't seem to notice me. Were they ignoring me? They must have felt the couch shift. I placed my hand on San's shoulder and he flinched slightly.

"Oh, Youngie, you're up," he grimaced at me. Was he not happy to see me?

"Woo, have you seen my blue hoodie," Mingi yelled before I could say anything. "I think I last saw it on you."

"Coming," I yelled back, gave San one last glance and left to find the hoodie that was totally not in my wardrobe.

In the car I sat behind our rapper, wearing his blue hoodie, and beside our maknae. I was still feeling down so I decided to take some risk.

"Can I hug you," I timidly asked Jongho, hoping he would notice my distress and agree.

"Not today, Woo-hyung," he replied, robbing me of that hope.

"Can I at least put my head on your shoulder," I tried.

"Please, Woo-hyung," he whined. "Stop it."

I was rejected. Denied. Ignored. My heart just dropped further down. I shut up and spent the rest of the ride staring out of the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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