Sugar San Fairy

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It's my first story so I have completely no idea how it will go. But welcome and hopefully have some  fun

San's POV

We are slowly starting to prepare for our next comeback. Things are going to get really hectic in few weeks. So it's either now or in few months that I can make my dance video for Atiny. I'm polishing the choreo with the help of our teacher. Learning it after practising with the group leaves me more tired than usual but it's nothing to worry about, right?

"Don't wait for me, I'll be with Yujin-hyung," I informed the group.

"Sure, but have a break to eat and drink. Remember that you can take it slow. It would be a surprise both now and after the comeback," Hongjoong said.

"I know but I just wanna do it. Don't worry, I'll grab something to eat before I start."

"Ok then, have fun."

"Don't be back late," Seonghwa added.

"See you," I waved at them and went to speak with Yujin.

"Hi, hyung," I greeted him.

"O, hi San-ah, how are you doing, you ready for today?"

"Yeah, it's just that the members wanted me to get some food first. They will worry if I don't. So can you wait for me a bit longer?"

"We can go together then, I haven't eaten dinner yet either," he offered.

"That would be great, hyung," I grinned at him.

We decided to go to the place right next to the company building. It's a very cozy place with delicious food. They have really good cakes as well and out of his good will, hyung got me a piece. After eating, we didn't waste time and went straight back into the practice room.

"Let's get going," he exclaimed.

I really like dancing and practicing with Yujin. We became friends after the last tour. Staff members joked all the time that we look alike and we got a bit closer because of that. Besides, he is a great dancer and I'm trying to learn as much as I can from him. He always makes it fun too. And today was no exception.

We went through the routine several times, focusing on small details, like hand movements, to make it perfect. It was all great, until it wasn't. I guess the tiredness finally got to me.

"Hyung," I called.

"What is it San-ah?"

"I don't feel that good, kinda dizzy," was all I managed to say before the world went black.

* * *

I woke up to the beeping sound. Opening my eyes confirmed my suspicion - I was in a hospital.


"I'm here, San-ah," I noticed then that Yujin was sitting next to my bed.

"Do the boys know?" I asked fearfully. They will worry if they do.

"No, you weren't out for long."

That's a relief. But I have to make sure he won't say anything.

"Can you not tell them?" I saw him opening his mouth so I quickly added, "I know what you're thinking but I just want to tell them myself. They might take it better if it comes from me and they'll see I'm fine." Lies.

"You don't know yet if you are fine."

Good point. I still have no idea what happened. But I feel ok.

"I feel fine tho," I informed him.

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