Tie a Noose Around Your Mind

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Part 2 of: The World is Ugly
From Gerard's POV
Also very short, sorry.

- - -
Lying had always been one of my worst habits, but I'd become good at it. It was just the kind of thing I had to do. When Mikey came bursting into my room, moments after Frank had fled, my first instinct was to lie through my teeth. I didn't, although, and he was even more mad at me for doing so.

"What the hell was that?" I flinched at the fierceness of his words.
"That was me telling Frank to leave." Shit. Was I slurring my words? Ray disappeared into my room, reappearing seconds later with an empty bottle of vodka.

"Goddammit Gerard..." Mikey rubbed his eyes and headed for the already open door. "I'm going to go after him. Let's just hope that I'm not too late."

"The most he could've done in the past minute or so is jump off a building," I stated matter of factly. This only made the others more angry. I stumbled onto the couch and sank into it. At the time, I hadn't realized the effect that my words had had on Frank.

- - -
The sound of someone throwing the tour bus door open alerted me hours later, jerking me out of sleep. I had slept away most of the alcohol, and was sober for the most part.
Frank was standing feet away from me, refusing to catch my gaze. For a moment, I couldn't understand way. Then the realization hit me like a bus.

"Frank, I-"
"I'm sorry, okay? I wa-"
"What happened to not wanting me to talk to you ever again?" He liked at me now, his eyes red and puffy. He looked like shit. A quick look over of him told me all that I needed to know. The sleeves of his hoodie were stained dark Crimson. His fingernails, as well, were stained. I choked back a sob.
I had done this.

"You know I didn't mean it, Frankie..."
"'Nicknames are for couples, and we are not a couple'", he mimicked, repeating the dreaded words is spoken earlier.
"I was drunk, okay? Nothing I said was true." Yikes. I was lying again. It as true that I was drunk, but some on the things I'd said were somewhat true.

"Why? Why were you drinking?" He stepped closer, his shaking hands pulling down his sleeves a bit farther.

"Because I'm an ass, and I'm stupid." He scoffed at this. "It'll never happen again. Please, Frank. You gotta believe me." I dug my finger nails into my thigh, scared that he might reject my apology.
"Fine." With that, he turned and hopped right back off the bus.

- - -
"Why are you here." Frank muttered, making it sound closer to a statement, rather than a question. Id found him a mile or so away from the bus, sitting on a bench in a darkened park.

"I'm here to talk to you." I paused, flopping down beside him. Glancing at his arms, I though of something.
"Can I see your hand?"
"Uh... Why?" Reluctantly, he put his hand in front of me. I gently took his wrist. Sadness fell over me when I noticed him flinching at my touch.
I slowly slid up his sleeve, revealing a heavily bandaged arm.

"Jesus... Frank..."
"They weren't deep enough to do very much damage. Not that you'd care one way or another." He turned his head away from me.
"Of course I care."
"Yeah, well it sure as hell didn't seem like it earlier," he snapped. My heart was breaking into pieces.
"Frank, we went over this. I was drunk. I said some stupid shit. I didn't mean it. Now, are you going to continue hating me, or can we kiss, makeup, and pretend this never happened?"
I grinned at the blush that crept ip his pale cheeks.
"I almost killed myself because of you."
"Yeah, but you didn't. And that's all that matters." Frank opened his mouth to say something, but I crashed my lips onto his before he could say anything.

Yay! Happy ending!(I'll leave you guys to determine what happens next)

I know this part two is pretty crap, but I wrote it really quickly. I apologize for any spelling errors, as this was typed on a phone.
Until next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2015 ⏰

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