Dance, Dance

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I never thought that I'd be alone at prom. I mean, I knew that I wouldn't be surrounded by tons of girls, but I thought that I'd at least have someone to go with. But no. Of course not. Everyone that I knew had a girlfriend or was with some random hot chic. Even Gerard. And he'd said that we were going together as friends. So much for that. There was nothing I could do about, though, so I just stood awkwardly in the corner and watched as everyone had fun in their flashy outfits. I raised my cup up to drain the rest of my drink as I heard someone approach me from my left.
I turned expectantly, hoping for Gerard.
"Frank, man, what are you doing over here alone?" Mikey. God damn it.
"Just, um.. Watching...?" I shifted uncomfortably. Mikey and I were pretty close, since I spent a lot of time over at Gerard's, but it was unusual for him to actually come up to me in public.
"Well stop watching and start participating! You look so sad and lonely. Why don't you come hang out with my friends and I?" He grinned hugely and gestured to a small group of people on the other side of the dance floor.
"Uh, yeah, sure." He grabbed my arm gently and began pulling me through the crowd of dancing people. Someone bumped into me, causing Mikey to lose his grip on me. I was suddenly caught in a flood of stomping feet and swishing dresses. I couldn't really see anything but chests and arms, since I was considerably shorter than everyone else. A felt a hand press onto my back, leading me to a spot where there were less people. As soon as whoever it was stopped pushing, I whipped around to face them.
"Whoa Frankie, calm down there. It's just me." Gerard smiled. I sucked in a breath and looked him up and down. He was wearing a clean black suit and had a blood red rose pinned on the left side of his chest. His hair was brushed and looked absolutely prefect. He was absolutely perfect. I suddenly felt self conscious about how I looked and ran a shaky hand through my hair.
"Are you okay? I saw you get caught in that mess." He nodded to the dance floor.
"Y-Yeah, I'm g-good." Jesus. I was stuttering in front of my best friend.
"Alright, well, I'll let you get back to whatever it is you were doing. I've got a lady friend to meet." He turned and winked at a (very beautiful) girl standing a few feet away. My heart sank.
"Yeah, okay, b-bye." Leaving, I just about tripped over my feet because I was rushing so much. Mikey was waving at me from his group of friends. I walked slowly over to them.
"What happened back there? You were following me but then I turned and you were gone." Mikey frowned.
"Someone bumped into me and I got stuck. Gerard helped me out, so it's all good now." I gave a little smile. He immediately turned sideways to his friends and mouthed, "See? It's soooo obvious."
I blinked a few times and cautiously asked, "What's obvious?"
"Oh, nothing," one of the girls said, giggling. I wanted to ask more, but Mikey put his hand on my shoulder and turned me away from the girls. "Hey, I want you to do something," he whispered. I nodded slowly. "Go and find Gerard, and ask him to dance." As soon as he said it, my eyes widened and I opened my mouth to say something. Mikey put his hand up to stop me and gave a short laugh.
"Oh come on. It's so obvious that you've got the hots for my brother." He grinned.
"I-...You.. How..?" For some reason, my mouth just didn't for the words.
"It's really obvious. I've seen that way you look at him when you think he's not looking. He sees it too." He gave me a light push. "Now go and find your Prince Charming." My feet seemed to lift off the ground as I began to walk.
"And don't come back without him!" Mikey yelled, his voice growing faint as I moved farther away.

He wasn't in the gym, or the cafeteria. I walked swiftly down the hallway, peeking into classrooms. At last, I found him. In our science class. With a girl.
They were making out on one of the lab tables. It wasn't the girl from earlier, but a different, prettier one. I froze in place, not able to move or say anything. I guess I eventually made some sort of noise, because they stopped and Gerard turned to the door.
But I didn't respond. I was halfway back to the gym when I heard him following me.
"Frank! Wait up! I can explain." He sounded pretty desperate, but I wasn't going to give him the pleasure of seeing me break down. At some point his pleading became so annoying that I actually turned heel and faced him.
"No, Gerard. You don't need to explain. You were just kissing a girl in a classroom. Simple as that." I paused. Mostly just to be dramatic. "We're just best friends who don't care if their best friend is kissing a total stranger on a night that they were supposed to spend together. It's not like I was hurt by seeing you, a perfectly straight person, with a girl." Shit. Did I really just say that? Gerard didn't answer. Instead he pulled me in and kissed me. Shit, what if people saw? After a few seconds that seemed to last for eternities, he pulled away.
"I was just practicing." There was that wild fucking grin that made me want to fucking melt. I found myself begin to smile as well.
"Now, if you're done whining about me not making out with you, I have a question." Gerard put out his hand and turned it so that his palm was up.
"May I have this dance? I'm hoping that this will make up for me not spending this entire night with you." He chuckled lightly.
"Of course I will," I began laughing too, and we made our way to the dance floor. A fast paced song was playing, but who gives a damn? We started slow dancing, and we weren't really as close to each other as I was hoping. Then, as if he had read my mind, Mikey swooped in and 'accidentally' pushed me into Gerard.
He didn't protest and I straightened up so that I was standing more comfortably. As soon as Mikey stepped away, Gerard leaned in and whispered into my ear.
"Save that energy for the bedroom."
I could tell that he was joking, but I still felt my cheeks grow hot with a blush. To hide my face, I rested my forehead on his collar bone. After the song ended, Gerard pushed me away and kissed me on the lips again. And this time, I didn't care who was watching.

A/N: tbh, I think that Mikey would ship Frerard like FedEx.

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