Yeah, im definitely not okay

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{A/N: this one is going to be really fucking short, sorry}

It's been a year since My Chemical Romance officially broke up. I still can't believe it myself, and I'm one of the people that broke it up. I knew that our fans missed us and our music, so when warped tour came around, I booked my band which now consisted of just me. It would probably only make everyone even more sad, but I figured that I needed to do this. I needed to sing for them one last time.
A few months later, I was walking into the stage in front of a million people. I expected a sound, a scream, a boo, something. But it was dead silent. Then, suddenly, two girls stood, both wearing MCR band merch. They were smiling and showing papers. One of them was just a paper saying "I love Gerard Way" and the other one was being furiously written on. She raised the paper and I read "You kept me alive. Thank you." I just about burst into tears. I- we had saved a girl from commuting suicide. That was pretty damn powerful.
I turned my gaze away and instead looked at the mic in front of me. My hand immediately grabbed it, and I felt my body relax. I was meant for this. To be up here, singing those familiar songs. I nodded to the people working backstage. That oh-so-familiar tune began playing. The crowd cheered and began singing alone the moment I did.
"Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say." I held out the mic and gestured for the crowd to sing the next line. It went back and forth like this for a while, and if occasionally let them sing the chorus. "I'm not Okay" ended all too quickly. Next, I began singing to "The Light behind your Eyes" Everyone was silent again. My eyes scanned the crowd and landed on someone who looked oddly like someone that I wouldn't expect here. Frank. He was standing in the tenth row and crying. Not just silent tear, no, he was full on sobbing. I missed him being up here on stage with me more than I thought. Actually, I just missed him in general. I moved my gaze away, hoping that he hadn't seen me staring. After about thirty seconds of the song, I heard a noise from behind me. I turned, trying to still sing and stopped dead when I noticed who it was. Frank was behind me, smiling and holding a mic and a guitar. He slowly made his way up to me and resumed singing where I had left off. He was quiet at first, but got louder as he went along, growing more comfortable in front of the crowd. Honestly, he was awful. There was a reason I was the lead vocalist. Soon, I hesitantly joined in. What the hell was happening? I swore that Frank had said that he was done with that band. He wanted nothing to do with the band. Or Mikey, Ray, or the other guys. Or me. It hurt at first, but eventually I got used to all of us being apart. I could still talk to Mikey, obviously, but everyone else pretty much ignored me. Everything was good. Until I made the stupid decision to show up to warped tour and Frank decided to show up as well. Now everything was going to get all messed up again. And I wasn't emotionally prepared for that.

After a few more songs, it was over. I got packed and did my best to avoid Frank. He was practically clinging to me, though. Wherever I went, he was there, and was always sneaking glances at me when he thought I wasn't looking. But I was looking. Pretty much the whole time. I couldn't get over that fact that he was here. Or the fact that I'd have to eventually talk to him. Luckily, he did that talking for me.
"Hey, Gerard, I um-"
"Frank, don't," I cut him off. "The band is over, our friendship is over, everything is over. It's ruined. So don't go trying to fix it." He looked hurt after I was done and I felt a twinge of regret. I shouldn't have said that. I should've hugged him and said sorry until I couldn't say it anymore. But I didn't.
"I'm not here to talk you into being my friend again, or getting the band back together. I just want to give you something." He reached out and pushed a crumpled up paper into my open palm. He gently closes my fingers over the paper. God, his hands are soft. Shit, did I really just think that?! That's it. I'm going insane. He looks into my eyes for a solid minute, and I can't help but gaze back. His eyes are fucking beautiful. Dammit, Gerard! Cut that shit out! Finally, after what seemed like forever, he walked away. And I actually kind of missed him being so close to me again. I missed him. My hand opened slowly, revealing the paper, I un-crumpled it and stared at the writing.

"I never wanted to leave you"

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