Real Life? (Bakugo)

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Bakugo x reader (BNHA/ MHA)

He's fictional but you met him in real life?

You woke up from a restless night of sleeping. You got some food and waked to sit down in your living room and played on your phone. No one was home except you so it was quiet except for the dogs in your neighborhood barking.

Since you were in your living room you didnt notice the shuffling and movement in your room. You did hear the yelling that came from that room a few moments later.

"Where am I? What is this place?"

You jump from the sudden loud noise and a person being in your house. You didnt know what to do so you stayed put but had you finger hovering over the call button. You heard someone start to walk out from your room.

"If you're here, don't move, I will blast your face off."

You didnt move. Even if you wanted to your body didn't let you. The person walked around the corner.

"Who are you and what am I doing here?"

All you could do was stare in disbelief at Bakugo who wasn't supposed to be here. He wasn't even supposed to be real.

"What're you looking at, idiot?" Bakugo said.
"You're real." You said.
"Yeah, I'm real. Who are you and why am i here? Where is here?" Bakugo asked.
"My name's y/n. I uh... I dont know how you got here. You're not real. You can't be." You said.
Bakugo got closer to you.
"What'd you mean. I am real see?" He said taking ahold of your wrist.
"You're real." You stated, though it sounded more like a question.
"Yes, I am. Now, stop pretending. How did I get here?" He asked, bringing you to stand up in front of him.

He still had a hold of your wrist. You looked at him wondering the same question. How did he get here? A quirk, manifestation, portal, something completely different?

"I dont know." You said, still in disbelief staring into his eyes.

He just looked back at you. You realized you were staring and instatly looked away atempting to get your hand back. His grip on your writ tightened but not enough to hurt you.

"Don't even try to struggle." He said.
He immidiatly let go of you noticing you were scared. You ran to your room and closed the door questioning what just happened.

"Oh my god. He's here. He's real. Bakugo is in my house. How is he here? Am I dreaming? I hope I'm not dreaming but if I am that makes sence. I felt him grab my wrist. I felt his stare. His beautiful red eyes stareing at me. He's so pretty." You ranted to yourself.
"You know I can hear you right?" He said, his voice traveling through the closed door.

You quickly stopped talking.

"I'm opening the door. Since I'm stuck here and have no where else to go I guess I have to stay here until I find a way back." Bakugo said.

Before you could object or block the door he was already inside your room. You had many Bakugo posters and even some fanart you made/printed out hanging on the walls. You did have a few other things hanging on the walls but it was mostly Bakugo. He was your comfot character and you were a simp. He didnt get to look around all that much before because he was in a different place. But now he got to see the room for what it was.

"You really do like me. I'm not even a pro hero yet. And being here doesn't help that. Why do you have so many pictures of me and why are they all animated?" He asked.

You didn't look at him. When he was finished observing the room he looked at you. You were sitting on your bed, blanket over your head, and facing the wall away from him. You were blushing from embarrassment. He walked over the your bed and sat on the edge.

"So, what do you have to eat? I'm hungry." He said. "Kitchens right out the door." You said still not facing him.

He got up and walked out to make food. Soon he walked back a brought some food back to you.

"Here. Eat." He said handing you the food.

You got my out from under the blanket and ate it. It was really good. You both just watched movies and talked for the rest of the day. Soon enough it was time to sleep again.

"I call the bed." Bakugo said.
"It's my bed." You said.
"I know and I called it." He said.
"Well I'm already laying down." You said.
"I am too." He said.
"Then I guess we have to share. Don't make it weird, weirdo." You said.
"I never make things weird. Your the one that been blushing all day." Bakugo said.
"I have not. Your losing." You said, turn ing to face him.

Once you turned you didn't realize how close your face was to his. You backed up and started to blush.

"Told you, idiot." He said.

You looked at him and saw he was blushing too and you didn't hesitate to point it out. His responce was to hold you close to him so you couldn't see his face. Your back was against his chest as your hearts were raceing. You didn't move from his hold. Soon your heart slowed and you drifted off to sleep with him whispering things occasionally and maybe sleep talking a little bit.

When you woke up he was gone. You got sad and wished he was still there with you.

As your eyes adjusted you realized this wasn't your room. It was Bakugo's? You're in his world now? Is it going to be just a day like he was in your world or will it last perminately? You wished it could be forever but if you just get a day you were going to make it the best day you could ever have.

I hope you liked it.

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