Sleepless Nights (Shinso)

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Shinso x reader (BNHA/MHA)


You were busy writing the last report of the day when Shinso walked through the door. You didn't even glance at him as he walked by. You felt a presence behind you a few moments later. Shinso hugged you from behind and kissed your cheek. You smiled but continued working. He then sat beside you in his chair at the shared desk/ counter. He looked at you watching what you were doing.

"Precious, you've been working very late nights for the past few months. I'm sure this isn't good for your health. I know you are finally able to finish this report but you have the whole next month to do it. It is just as important to sleep than it is to get work done. So, how about you get ready for the night while I go shower. Then we can go sleep and work on this in the morning. I can help you." Shinso said.

"I know but they just found my friend a month ago. I was planning on finishing this report today so I could go visit them tomorrow. You know how long it took the agency to find the villains and save them. two months and another month spent in the hospital. They finally got to go home yesterday. Denki messaged me and asked if we wanted to go over to their house for dinner." you said.

"Oh, dinner with Denki and his partner. Did you tell them we would be there?" Shinso asked.

"Yeah, they said to be over by 6:00- 6:30 because they needed time to clean up and stuff." you said.

"but you still need to rest tonight. How much work do you have to get done still?" he asked.

"About a half hour to an hour. I just need to write the email and finish writing some notes for the short presentation for possible ways to better the companies under the agency." you said.

"Ok, but if you're not to bed or at least getting ready in an hour I'm going to have to forcefully bring you to bed. tomorrow you don't have work right?" he said.

You nodded your head yes.

"Then we are sleeping in. We can finish the work tomorrow." he said.

"Ok." you said.

He got up and walked away to grab sleep cloths and to take a shower. You continued to work on the email and notes. After twenty minutes he was out of the bathroom and you were still typing. Soon enough he was sat beside you on his phone waiting for you to be done or for the set time to be over. What felt like ten minutes was actually the rest of your time limit. Shinso had long since put his phone down just watching and reading over your writing. As soon as you finished the last sentence he looked at you.

"Did you get it done?" he asked.

"Yes and no. I have to revise it tomorrow but it's done for tonight. You did say I was limited tonight." you said.

"Yeah, go get ready. I will be waiting, precious." he said.

You got ready to sleep and laid down to sleep. Shinso was waiting for you to cuddle to sleep, talk about what happened today at work, and what you had planned for tomorrow. You hugged him and almost instantly fell into a deep sleep.

"Good night, Shin." you said.

"Good night, precious. I love you." Shinso said.......To be continued cause its ok to continue it a different time with other stories.

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