Dance Dance (Sero)

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Sero x reader (this story they don't have quirks cause I said so)

You love music you always dance and sing. But only when your alone or trust someone enough not to care what they think. You had always admired Sero's ability to just dance and sing whenever he felt like it with no shame on his face or in his actions. You loved watching him dance and how he moved. You noticed he has been dancing and singing more recently. Today he walked up to you as he always did because he's your friend. You've been friends since you graduated. You both worked at the same place and lived close to each other so you were easily able to keep in contact.

"Hey,  treasure, you look nice today, as always." Sero said.

"I don't know why you always call me that." You said.

"Maybe your just my treasure." He said.

"That's Weird!" You said.

"Anyways, I was wondering if you had plans for tonight. The guys and I were going to go to the small town next to us for the festival. The have music and food and it'll be fun." He said.

"Yeah, I'm free can you give me a ride my car is in the shop and the bus doesn't run that late. I'm guessing it'll be all night since we are off tomorrow?" You said.

"Yeah. Ok, cool do you need a ride to your house after work today?" Sero asked.

"No, but is there a dress code or should I just wear what I normally wear." You asked.

"Um, just make sure you're comfortable." He said.

"Ok." Your said.

And with that you started to work. Just as work began, it ended. You went home and ended up catching a ride home from Sero anyways. You got out at your house and thanked him. He told you the time he was going to pick you up. You got into your house to get ready for the festival. You had charged your phone to make sure it was 100% in case you got lost cause that happens for some unknown reason. You made sure you had a backpack of some sort to carry things so you didn't have to hold the in your arms. You also made sure to put your wallet into your backpack. As you were doing that your phone rang.

"Hello?" You answered.

"Hey, I'm almost there. You ready?" Sero said.

"Yeah, I'll be outside." You said.

"Ok." He said and hung up.

As you were outside and locking your door he was arriving at your driveway.

You walked to his car and opened the back seat to put you stuff there. Then went to sit the passenger seat. As you got into the car you heard a quiet song playing on the radio. Your eyes lit up and it was the start of one of your most favorite songs. Sero must have noticed the spark in your actions as he turned it up. You were way to self-conscious to sing or even move but your happy stims gave you away. You were looking out your window smiling and slightly nodding your head to the song. Sero knew the song and started to sing along. Then you noticed what you were doing. You stopped and just sat there listening to him and the song. Soon your favorite part was almost playing you started to sing forgetting your surroundings and happy stimming.

Once the song was over you realized what you just did. You trusted him but also was never courageous enough to sing in front of him. You looked over at him and he didn't seem to notice or care. That didn't mean your heart wasn't still racing. Soon the car was being parked and you both were waiting at the front entrance for the others. When everyone was there you walked into the festival.

You saw all the pretty lights and soon your eyes wandered to a little shop in the corner. You walked over to look at what was being sold. It was little wooden figures and glass figures. The shop owner had hand made them. You bought one of the small wooden animals. And one that reminded you of Sero. You ran over to him and showed him the things you just got.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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