Nightmare (Denki)

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Denki x reader (BNHA/ MHA)

You and Denki have been dateing for 5 years and moved in together a year ago. So you were pretty comfotable around each other. Three months ago you were fighting some villains and they had captured you. You were found a few days ago by, of course, Denki and his team. He carried you out of the building you were confined in for the past months. The villains tourtured and nearly killed you. The last month was spent recovering in the hospital. Denki stayed with you the entire time.

You finally got to go home but was advised to take some time of work to rest some more. Denki walked out of the hospital with you clinging to his arm for standing/walking support and mental support. You missed him so much in the time you were missing. He helped you get into the car. Then got into the drivers seat.

"You ready to be home, precious?" Denki asked. "Mmm. Yeah, let's go home." You said.

"Can we have dinner with our friends Shinso and his partner tomorrow? I want to let them know im ok. I know they helped with the mission and stuff and I want to thamk them?" You asked.

"Yeah, I'll mesage them." Denki said.

"Ok, that you, Denki. I love you and missed you. Thank you for rescuing me." You said.

"You dont have to thank me. I will always save you. I love you so much." He said reaching over to hug you.

He finished the text and sent it then started the car and drove you home. After a half hour you were home. Denki had stopped the car. It was dark outside. How long had it been dark you couldn't really remember it turning dark today. Honestly you couldn't even remember what the day looked like today or any of the past days you have been saved. You tried to remember but mistakenly remembered the villains that took you tourtured you when you couldn't see (in the dark). You freaked out and started to breath kind of heavy.

"Hey, y/n. What's wrong? Is there anything that I can help with?" Denki asked opening his door, causeing the internal lights of the car to turn on.

You snapped out of the trance you got caught up in. You unbuckled and looked in his direction, avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah, just a bad memory. I'm sorry." You said. "Oh, do you wanna talk about it or got inside?" He asked. "Inside, please." You said. "Ok. Do you need my help?" He asked. You shook your head no but he still got out and walked beside you the whole time.

He unlocked the door and you both walked inside. You had already ate and weren't that hungery so you both decided to go to bed.

You slept hugging Denki for all the support and he was your stability in life ever since you met him. He hugged you back which added extra comfort. You fell asleep right away. He stayed up a little to make sure you were ok then fell asleep too.

In the middle of the night you woke up to Denki's arms not around you.  You were kinda cold. Why did the bed feel like concrete? And what was around your limbs and neck. You moved a bit trying to adjust yourself to be comfortable. You heard chains. Why did you hear that? Where were you? You felt around and felt someones shoe. You couldn't see anything but you heard a voice.

"Glad your awake again. You know what happens now. Stay quiet and you get a reward make any kind of sound and you will be punished. Now, follow my instruction or else you take the punishment" The voice said. Instructions were given and you were left crying, bleeding, and tring to stay quiet.

A little while later a bright light was flashed in your face. The light in the room was so bright. and you woke up for real this time in the kitchen. Denki standing by the light switch.

"Precious, are you ok? Why are you in the kitchen?" Denki asked, walking over to you and hugging you. You were crying so much you couldn't talk. You were so scared and shaking in his arms. "I'm going to take you back to the room. Can I carry you, precious?" He asked. You noded in responce and he picked you up.

He took you back to the room shutting off the kitchen light before leaving the room with you in his arms. Once you were in the room he set you on the bed and got comfortable. You hugged him again but not being able to fall asleep as fast as before.

He must have noticed because as you snuggled your face into his chest he whispered sweet nothings into your ears.

"Im here, precious. You can talk to me whenever you want. No matter the time of day or what I'm doing. You are my priority. I love you, precious. If you want to cry you can do so. I will always be here for you. You are the most strongest person i know. Most bravest. Most courageous. Most smart person. I dont know what's happened to you but I know that you are so brave and strong for being here right now. Y/n you are so loved. I love you. I know things aren't going to be like they were but i can adjust to your needs like you did for me when we first got together. Thank you for being my support, my stability, my comfort, and my love. You are amazing." He said.

He got quiet but you were asleep now anyways. All that was heard was his breathing and heartbeat.

He couldn't sleep cause he wanted yo watch over you.

"Im sorry I left you on that side of the building alone. I could have saved you if I were there. You said you had it under control. I trust you but trust doesn't save people. I didn't know you were gone until we were done with saving people and the news. That took an hour or two at least. I didn't even look to see if you needed help within those two hours. I dont deserve you. I should have at least checked on you. Looking back on the recordings you even tried to contact me. I didn't hear it. Im sorry. I shouldn't even be here right now trying to comfort you if i was the cause of you being gone. I dont know why you don't resent me. Why aren't you mad at me? I... You were gone for so long becayse of me. I couldn't find their hide out. Kirishima did. I didn't even come up with the plan, Bakugo did that. I am truly not worthy of a person like you. Y/n... If you can hear me it's ok to resent me for all this. I'm sorry for everything. I couldn't do anything to save you. I was almost off the team to save you because of some action I took before hand. I was reckless and I just missed you so much. I missed you smile, you laugh, the way you took my face between your hands to kiss me. I missed all of you. I cried every night and wished we would get you back. I wished i had you in my arms and I was holding you and kiss you and hear your voice again. I dont know what i would do without you again. I love you so so much I would go crazy if I lost you again. They would have to lock me away until your back or forever. Im sorry for everything that I have done and everything they did to you." Denki said.
The end... (Unless somone wants more)
1328 words.

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