Chapter 5 - Pebble's Growth

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Hey, I know the last two chapters were a bit short, but imma make up for that I swear.

Now, let's get started.


Leena and Tyler stood there listening to Myne talk. Mostly tuning it out, but she was saying some really dumb shit.

Here's an example.

"A fee to enter and leave the village? 20 fucking silver to leave and enter?!" Tyler was growing irritated just by looking at this bitch.

Leena looked down to Pebble, she held him up and he crawled onto her shoulder.

"You see that woman Pebble? That's what we call a bitch. Now, here's your first lesson. What do we do to bitches?" She asked.

Pebble raised his head and let out of breath of fire. It was small, but it was definitely strong because she could feel the heat of it.

"Correct. You're a smart one." She said.

Tyler was looking at them.

"It can breathe fire?! Pebble is badass!" He said as he scratched Pebbles back right between the wing joints.

He was loving it. His back paw went crazy like how a dog would do if you scratched the right spot.

They then heard a familiar voice call out.

"20 silver to leave and enter the village? Is that a joke?" Naofumi's voice said.

They turn to see him along with Raphtalia and a-

"So that's what a Filolial looks like." Tyler said to himself.

"Do you idiots know how much it is to stay at the Inn here?" He asked them. They didn't reply so he answered for them. "One silver coin a night, one extra for food."

He told them.

"With that logic it'd cost more to enter the village than it would be to stay in it. And what'll you do? Trap people here because they can't pay to leave?"

"Yeah you tell those fuckers Naofumi!" Leena shouted.

As he and Myne got into some argument, Motoyasu once again made advances in Leena.

"Oh Lady Leena-"

"Never call me that again."

"-where did you get such a beautiful flower?" He asked her.

She smiled.

"Oh you noticed? Well it's simple. Tyler gave it to me."

He didn't like that answer.

"Lady Leena-"

"Fuck did I just say."

"-you should not be with him! He's a danger to you!" He told her.

"You're jealous of him." She states.
"Uh, what?"

"As I said. You are jealous of Tyler. For once, why don't you actually earn things, rather than taking from others. Pebble."

Suddenly he was hit in the face with fire from the small drake in her arms.

"Ah! Son of a-"

She looked to Pebble.

"Good job Pebble."

That was when a much bigger dragon, not huge but still big, was suddenly in front of her.

"Oh.... Fuck." She cursed.

Pebble was glaring up at it.

Before anything more could happen there was a pair of scythes around its neck. Tyler was on top of it ready to kill it if he had to.

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