Chapter 8 - Leena Is Home

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Back once again. Here to make shitty stories...... God why the fuck am I doing this?

Anyway let's get started.


It was a rather calm day in Melromarc for once-

Suddenly an explosion goes off.

That didn't last long. A solid 3.9 seconds of peace in Melromarc. That's a new record.

"Right. Lara, aim for its eyes. Leena, get that explosive arrow ready." Tyler commanded.

"Consider it done boss!" Lara shouted.

Tyler didn't need a response from Leena to know that she knew what she was doing.

"Rick, Goba. Cover the exit. If it tries to run, stop it."

"Got it." Rick nodded in understanding.

"Sev, Kali, you're with me. We're going to try and give Leena an opportunity to hit it in the mouth with that arrow! Lara, if you can hit those eyes that might do the trick, we'll try get it to stay in one place."

"Should be able to handle that no problem." Sev responded.

Right now they were in a cave with a rather large snake. Well, these guys call it a serpent, but regardless, it was causing trouble for the village nearby, so they're dealing with it now.

Should also mention it has been a week since the second wave. Technically their first.

In that time some things happened. For one, Tyler and his party have grown a lot as a team. He really likes his team. Although Rick and his team aren't staying with them, just that they're going in similar directions.

Another thing is that Pebble, who is currently outside the cave, is not actually a Pebble anymore. He has grown to his full size. They guessed that since he hasn't grown an inch since two days ago. He may be a giant terrifying dragon, but he's still the bestest boi.

Now back to the fight.

The serpent lunged for Tyler. He held his Scythe up and stopped it from eating him.
Sev and Kali knocked/cut its fangs off.
It shook its head and threw Tyler off, launching him into the cave wall.

The Scythes vanished and reappeared in his hands.

"You alive Ty?" Lara shouted.


"Good to know." Leena said.

He got up and held a hand over his back, where Motoyasu hit him in that dual.

'The fuck is wrong with me?'

He looked up to see the Serpent wack Kali back where Sev caught her. Rick tried to help, but ended with the same result.

As soon as it went for Leena who fired three fire arrows into its mouth, stunning it, he got back into action and summoned the stone Scythe where he then created a fist made of rocks to uppercut the overgrown snake, sending it into the roof of the cave.

That gave them the chance to finish it off.

Tyler wasn't sure how they did, he just knew it was killed.
He was too busy trying to catch his breath.

'I'm sure it's nothing. Like yesterday, just having a bad day.'

For the last week, Tyler has been having issues.
He often gets a sharp pain in his back and he's suddenly short of breath a lot.
He gets tired a lot easier now.

"Tyler. Hey, are you ok?"

He looked up to see Leena. The others were there too. How did they harvest and burn the bodies so quickly?

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