Chapter 10 - That's A Big Bird

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And we are back again for another chapter.

Let's hope this is decent at least.


Our four Heroes were traveling yet again to find more people that needed help.

Pebble was still carrying them around. It was quite a sight for anyone passing by or even anyone at a distance seeing the dragon walking by casually.

Yes, he could fly, but if he flies then that could send alarm bells ringing. They might think it's a dragon attacking them.

Anyway, Leena held open a map and Tyler was checking his stats.
Goba was asleep.

"Woah, Mom, look!"

They looked over at a carriage that was apparently stuck.
There was a mother and her son as well as a few personal guards. Or at least they assumed that's what they were.

"Morning." Tyler waved.

"Well... That is a sight I never expected." The mother said.

Tyler spotted the damaged wheel and hopped down, causing Pebble to stop and lie down.

"You guys need help?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. We hit a few nasty bumps and the wheel got busted." One of the guards said. "Now we're a few miles away from the town and stuck in a dangerous area."

"Shit... Any way to fix the problem?"

"Not unless you know a spell to fix a busted wheel." The guard said, pointing to the wheel which had a chunk taken out of it.

"Damn... Where's the town?" He asked.

"Just a few miles down that road. We hoped to get through here soon, bandits are common on these roads apparently." One of the guards said.

There were two of them, so if a lot of bandits attacked, they'd be screwed unless they were right out of the Matrix.

Tyler looked over to see the kid was with Leena and Goba, introducing him to Pebble.

"Hmm... Hey ma'am?" Tyler looked over at the mother.

"Yes? Oh..." She seemed to finally notice the weapons on his hips. "You're the Scythe Hero."

He backed up.

"... Right... Sorry to waste your-".

"You're my son's favourite Hero!"


"Yes, he talks about you a lot! Timothy!"

'Of course his name is Timothy.'

The kid came over and finally spotted the weapons.

"No way!"

"Uh, hi." Tyler wasn't sure what to do. That's when the kid hugged his leg. "Um. I uh... Hey, kid."

Tyler wasn't sure what to do. He never really dealt with kids before.

Leena and Goba watched.

"Look at that. Tyler has a fan."

"Small hooman like our hooman?"

"Yes. Apparently so."

Back over with Tyler, he managed to pry the kid off of him thanks to his mother.

"Uh, anyway. I was gonna say, if you want, we can take you there safely. Pebble doesn't mind, right Pebble?"

Pebble gave a small grunt of approval.

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