Chapter 6 - The Wave

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Ok so I'm back. Again. Very quickly after the last part.

Not gonna waste too much time so let's start.


"Felt too good to be true to be away from this fuckin place." Tyler said looking around.

He was seeing nothing but glares from people around. Just people that take the King's word for everything.

"Ignore them. They aren't worth anything to you. So, you know where that place is?" Leena asked.

"Yeah. Shouldn't be far. If I'm remembering the directions right it should be this way."

They walked towards where they assumed the place was. Tyler held a sleeping Pebble in his arms. He was tired from both fighting and flying.

They had run into trouble a few times on the way here and had to deal with that. At one point they even had criminals come after them. Apparently they were mercenaries, but they never said who hired them.

"Still think it was either the King or Myne that hired those goons." Tyler said thinking about that encounter.

They had no issue, but it was a red flag that someone wanted them dead.

"Not easy to find out. Let's just forget about it for now." Leena told him.

Aside from that, Pebble actually grew a bit bigger over the last few days. Still small enough to be carried, but now Tyler has to put a bit of effort into it. He was about the size of a corgi, but just a tiny bit bigger.

To make it easier if you haven't seem a corgi. If Pebble was away as he was being carried and sitting up, Tyler would have to lean he is head to the side a bit to see where he was going. He was a growing boi.

"He's really growing at an alarming rate..... I hope he's ok." Tyler said a little worried.

"Relax Tyler. Some dragons grow to their full size fast like that. It's just genetics for him I guess." She reassured him.

"God I hope you're right." He said, still worried.

After they walked for another minute they eventually got to the place. Walking in they were met with a guy that was examining something on a Filolial.

"Uh..... Sorry, we're looking for someone to help us out with something." Tyler said getting his attention.

"Hmm? Oh, terribly sorry. I get rapped up in my work a lot sometimes and-" He paused seeing them.

"Oh shit he believes the King." Tyler cursed quietly.

Before he could turn to leave, the guy stopped him.

"Wait! Is that an actual dragon? This is amazing! I haven't seen a dragon walk in these doors for a while now." He said looking over Pebble.

Tyler and Leena looked at eachother. They both sighed in relief that he was just surprised to see a dragon.

"Yeah, we were hoping to learn a bit about him. I was told you can do that. Like you're an expert on dragons." He said looking down to Pebble.

"I see. Well I would be happy to have a look at him. There will be a fee of course, I need to keep my business running here." He said.

Tyler put Pebble on a table in the middle of the room. He had already woken up and was looking around. He really was like a dog.

A dog with scales.

Anyway Tyler and Leena stood with Pebble while the guy looked over him.

"You can wait out in the waiting area. I should not be too long. I promise you he is in safe hands."

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