A Fight to ̶R̶e̶m̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ Forget...

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Jack POV

As soon as my feet landed on the ground I saw Merlin, he just looked at me in the expected shock that I knew he'd have. "Come on guys!" Arthur ran in with the triplets as Regina glared on in anger. I huffed and pulled my cloak out in order to hide from the tree. "Now then, seven on one, I like those odds." "We do too!" I saw the triplets in their robot thing charge and break down a small part of the tree before being caught. "Damn it-" I heard one of them whisper. Looking around I noticed my brother hopping down from the window with Dawn, why would he put her in such danger that way??

Merlin POV

I helped the guys fight but when I saw Regina leave and the bell on the tower rung, I knew I had to get out and save Snow White. I didn't care what she looked like because she was her, and that was all that mattered to me. "Keep under guard everyone!" I shouted as I ran through the doors, but I was too late, Regina had already entered the small study and locked the doors. Then I looked up and saw a window, bingo.

Dawn POV

I could barely fight, my body felt weaker due to the fact my curse was broken, I wasn't in pain but I did feel like there was something wrong. Then it hit me or rather hit Jack physically and me mentally. "Jack!" I ran to him and used his cloak to cover both of us. "Jack...are you alright?" He groaned and tried to lift up but couldn't, "My back..." I got furious, my face filled with rage, and then, poof. I was a beast again, only this time I could control it, grabbing and tearing the wooden limbs from the godawful tree. I felt rage. My anger was out of control and yet my beast was.

When I stopped ripping the limbs from the tree I saw Jack jump up and smash the mirror.

Merlin POV

I leaped from the edge with Regina in my hands. My spells flew out of my bag and when I connected them, I blacked out.

Snow White POV

I woke up and looked around, I saw papa outside. "Papa..." "Oh Snow!" He hugged me as I hugged him back tightly. "Where's Merlin..?" "I'm sorry...he sacrificed himself to stop Regina..." I felt myself tear up and my face stung with pain. "Merlin!" I looked over the edge as the others stepped out of the other room. "Merlin!!" I started crying, my face was wet with my own tears. Pino, Noki, and Kio suddenly rose up, and there he was, hurt and dying. "Oh, Merlin..." I held him in my arms and he looked up at me weakly. "You are the most beautiful girl in the world...whether my eyes are opened...or closed..." His eyes closed and I hugged him close to me, kissing him.

When I opened my eyes again to look at him, there was a flash of light and he was a Prince! "You're Prince Merlin..!" Merlin sat up and smiled, "yeah, that Merlin... The one you don't find interesting..." I just laughed and hugged him. "But I'm still the same Merlin on the inside..." "I know you are...and I love you." We kissed again.

Dawn POV

It was sweet watching Snow White and Merlin together. I somehow guessed it was her due to the fact that the missing posters of her father looked like the king... "Come here!" I turned my head and was met with a kiss. I smiled into the kiss and closed my eyes. I heard the cheering of Hans and the triplets. "Anyone knows who that girl is?" Jack pulled away from me and looked at arthur. "Are you that dumb?" I giggled and just wrapped my arms around Jack.

This was our happy ending...

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