Chapter Three

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You woke up at 7:00, energized and with just enough time to get ready.

You entered your bathroom and took a quick shower before putting on your makeup. You didn't put on too much, just enough to make you happy.

When you got dressed, you put on a black sweater, black jeans, and black boots. You wouldn't normally wear so much black, but since it was the late evening, it seemed appropriate.

By the time you fixed your hair it was 7:55, so you spritzed your favorite perfume on your body and went to the living room. You stood in front of the mirror and gauged your appearance.

"I look cute," you said happily, playing with your hair.

You left the apartment, locking it, and stood in front of Mark's door.

Even though only yesterday you were confidently knocking on this door to ask for help, something seemed different. You were nervous.

Snap out of it. Honestly, you would've kicked this damn thing down yesterday. What's wrong with you?

You took a deep breath, mustering all the courage you could, and knocked on the door. A moment passed before it opened.

Mark stood there in a red flannel shirt with the first couple buttons undone. He also wore black jeans, matching them with black shoes. He held a bottle of hard cider in his hand and had a smile on his face.

"Hey, (y/n)! Come in!" he said, backing away to let you enter. When the door shut, he put down the bottle and embraced you in a warm hug.

After you broke apart, he said, "Er...You look nice." You blushed, replying with, "You too."

He smiled and led you through the apartment. It was nice and clean. You were pretty sure he worked all day on that.

"I want to show you something," he said near the end of the "tour." He gently grabbed your wrist, making you jolt in response, and walked you to a room with soundproof material on the walls.

He turned around to smile at you. "This is my recording studio," he said. "I film in here and post twice a day."

You were intrigued by his setup. Everything looked really organized.

He let go of your wrist, walking over to the opposite side of the room. He brought back a small cube and lifted it up to your eye level.

"Oh my gosh, Tiny Box Tim!" you said giddily. He handed the plushie to you and you laughed. "That's for you, pretty girl," he said, walking past you. Your eyes widened a bit. "Wait, seriously?" you asked.

"C'mon, let's go enjoy some adult beverages," he said, winking. You smiled slightly, walking with him back to the living room.

You sat down on the couch, placing your gift next to you. Mark left for a moment before bringing back a bottle of Angry Orchard cider, along with his bottle from earlier. Your eyes lit up.

"I used to drink this in college!" you said, taking the bottle. You opened it and took a sip, happy with the familiar taste. "Yep, tastes like grad school."

"Is grad school good?" asked Mark. You nodded.

"In fact, we used to make a great cocktail using this," you said. Mark looked curious. "You mix a glass of this cider with a shot of Fireball whiskey," you explained, stifling laughter. "It's called Angry Balls."

You threw your head back in laughter but quickly stopped.

Shit, he probably thinks I'm immature...

Then, Mark's face trembled. He started laughing, failing to keep it back. "That's pretty funny," he said.

Phew...He thinks it's funny too.

The Girl Who Knocked (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now