Chapter Four

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Mark let you into the studio from earlier. You guys sat down in two chairs, and Mark turned his computer on.

"What kind of computer is this?" you asked. Mark looked up at you. "Oh, uh... I built it myself," he explained. Your eyes widened. "Really? That's so cool!" you exclaimed. He smiled at you. "Thank you, (y/n)" he said.

When the computer was fully on, Mark asked "What do you want to play?"

You weren't much of a gamer, but you were up to pretty much anything.

"What was the last genre you played?" you asked. "Horror," he answered.

"Then we should play something ridiculous, obviously," you suggested. Mark nodded, smiling. "I like how you think," he said. "What did you have in mind?"

"Have you ever played I Don't Even Game?" you asked. He shook his head.

"What?! You would totally love it!" you said in disbelief. I Don't Even Game was a dumb little flash game you played in college. You hadn't played it in so long, and you wanted to play it again so bad. Mark shifted in his seat and started typing.

"Are you searching for the game?" you asked him. He smiled, staying silent. When the familiar front page of the game came up, you were happy, but Mark looked a bit upset.

"(Y/N)...This is only one player," he said. You sighed. "Yeah, but it's so fun. I wouldn't mind watching you play it," you said sincerely.

"Well that wouldn't be very fun," Mark said, looking at the screen. "I want you in the video with me."

You felt your face go red. "You do?"

"Of course," he insisted. "You are my guest, after all."

"How about we think creatively here?" you suggested. Mark looked up at you. "As in?"

"We could put a twist on it. Like a challenge..."

"Go on..." said Mark.

A little while later...

"Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier, and welcome to a Let's Play of the flash game, I Don't Even Game. It was recommended to me by my lovely new neighbor, (y/n). Say hi to the people!"

You waved to the camera. "Hi guys!" you said, grinning. Mark wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

"(Y/n) is going to do something really 'cool' while I play this game," he said, smiling like an idiot.

"Seriously, Mark?" you said with mock annoyance.

"Oh come on, baby. Don't give me the 'cold shoulder,'" he said.

"If you didn't get the hint, this Let's Play is going to take place near the bottom of the thermometer," you explained. You pulled Mark's arm off of you.

"Basically, we have this big bowl of ice cubes. Every 30 or so seconds, (y/n) is going to put one down my shirt. So that should be fun. For the record, this wasn't my idea, but I'm doing it anyway," Mark explained.

"Why did you even agree to it, then?" you asked.

"'Cause I want you to be happy," he said. You laughed a little as Mark went into the details of the game.

"I don't know how this is going to go, but I'm excited!"

He started to play the game, and you were closely watching the clock, so that when 30 seconds had passed you could put the first ice cube down his shirt.

"Is this entire game in LOLspeak?" he asked. "Oh no! I lost my key!"

At that point you stuck an ice cube down his shirt. Mark jumped out of his chair and squealed.

"Holy balls, that's cold!" he exclaimed. Sitting back down, he barely regained his composure. He focused on the game, muttering, "Cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold."

You laughed and he responded with, "Don't laugh at me! I am a very serious gamer."

"Yeah right, Mark," you challenged.

Mark kept playing the game.

"(Y/N), I just stole that lady's purse!" he said to you. You giggled. "You monster!" you said jokingly. "I didn't mean it..." he whined.

You put the second ice cube down his shirt.

"AAH! That was worse! I'm not sure why but that was worse!" he screamed. You started laughing as he squirmed in his seat.

" back is going numb," Mark groaned.

As the game went on, you put more ice down his shirt. Every time he had the same reaction, but he almost always dropped a "fuck, that's cold!".

He finally reached the end of the game, and in that time you had put about 12 ice cubes down his shirt. Mark's back was completely soaked, adhering to his back muscles. If a camera wasn't on your face, you would've caught a couple glimpses.

"Did I just win?!" he said. When he realized he had won, he started cheering.

At that moment, you grabbed his shirt, pulled it, and dumped the rest of the ice down his back, melted water and all.

Mark jumped out of his chair and screamed.

"Holy shiiiiiit! That's so fucking cold! (y/n), how could you?" he said. You were absolutely laughing your ass off. Mark jumped around, giving false angry looks.

"I-I guess that w-was my reward f-for beating the g-g-game," he stuttered. "T-thanks, (y/n), you're a 'cool' gal."

You hugged him, and he said his signature phrase, "And as always, I will see you in the next video!"

Mark jumped on you and brought you to the ground, him on top of you. Both of you started laughing. Water leaked from Mark's shirt onto your body. "Damn, that's cold!" you exclaimed. "Now you know how it feels," he responded.

You kept laughing, Mark's weight pinning you to the ground. "Mark! I can't move!" you giggled. Mark smiled. "Oh well," he said. "I guess we're gonna be stuck here together, forever. I guess you could say we're...'frozen' here." You groaned at his pun and playfully punched the man in half-hearted attempts to get him off of you.

Mark pressed his lips to yours.

It was like lightning. The floor brought electricity through your bodies, sending sparks to the kiss. It felt as if your soul burst into flames, and heat welled up in your heart.

You kissed back. He brought a hand to your cheek and rubbed it with his thumb.

But, just like lightning, the kiss was powerful and abrupt.

Mark jolted and stood up, embarrassed. "Wow...I'm...I'm so sorry, (y/n)," he apologized. You stood up also. "'s fine," you said. "Just forget it."

Mark nodded, staring at the computer. "I guess I need to edit that part out," he murmured. "I'm really, really sorry."

He sat down, not once looking at you, and ended the recording.

"I'll just go back to the living room," you said, exiting the studio. He didn't answer, but you left anyways.

Peeking back in, you saw Mark with his head in his hands, sighing loudly.

The Girl Who Knocked (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now