Chapter Seven

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You glanced at a clock on the wall as you walked through your living room. It had been three hours since Mark walked you home, leaving with a hug goodbye. You couldn't deny that you had a lot of fun with him. You laughed, smiled, and with every glance from Mark, your stomach filled with butterflies. You blushed, thinking back at all the innocent touches and hand holding.

Face it, you had it bad for the boy, even though you had only personally known him a few days. Your heart ached at the fact that you hadn't kissed again. Sure, you claimed that your previous kiss was to get even, but in reality, it was very much on purpose.

It was obvious that Mark had feelings for you. You wondered if your feelings were as clear as his. It's not like you could just proclaim that your love for him "burns with the fire of a thousand suns" or some dumb poetry like that. Not that you believed boys had to make the first move or anything... You were just too nervous to say what was on your mind. You were stuck in the most awful mutual-love limbo ever conceived.

About an hour ago, Mark posted a picture of you two on Instagram with the caption, "Two of my superheroes are in this picture. Can you find them?" The only people in the picture were you, him, and Spider-Man.

Naturally, the comments were filled with countless overexcited fans asking who you were. You were tagged in the picture, but you had a private account, so all anyone could see was your profile picture. Most of them assumed you were Mark's girlfriend, and were either really happy or really pissed off.

Honestly, the idea of a bunch of 11-year-olds being angry because you were in the way of them marrying Mark was a bit unsettling. Otherwise, everyone was really supportive and happy for him. Too bad you guys weren't really together.

But why would Mark call you his superhero? Was that supposed to be his way of flirting with you? Whatever it was, you liked it.

At this point in time, you were making lunch. Nothing fancy. Just a turkey sandwich with grapes on the side. You couldn't get Mark off your mind. In fact, in your daze, you grazed your finger with the knife you used to cut the sandwich.

"Shit..." you hissed, sucking at the minor injury. It soon stopped bleeding, so you moved on to your normal routine, eating and checking Twitter.

It was just as bad as Instagram. Fans of all ages were tweeting about you and Mark, most of them posting the picture. Within the fandom, an odd hashtag was trending. #girlorgirliplier. It made sense, since that seemed to be the question on everyone's mind. Of course, some of your followers recognized you in the picture and were tweeting you incessantly. You weren't in the mood to respond.

You glanced at the clock again. Mark had asked you to Skype him at about 20 minutes from the current time. You couldn't wait, though. You wanted to talk about the social media madness. Also, you wanted to see his cute face again.

You opened your laptop, turned it on, and called Mark. He answered after a few rings. His face popped up on the screen.

"Hey, pretty girl!" he said, smiling wide. "You called a bit early."

You waved at the man. "I couldn't stand not seeing your handsome face," you said jokingly. He laughed in response.

"Well your face isn't half-bad either," he said, smirking. You blushed.

"Have you checked Twitter recently? There's a funny hashtag trending about us."

"You mean #girlorgirliplier, right? They're going pretty crazy."

"Well, that's what happens when you put such a shady caption on your Insta pics. You said I was your superhero. How else would they react?"

"That's true... I can sense the fanart being drawn as we speak."

"Oh my god. If anyone draws a picture of us, I want it framed on my wall."

Mark laughed at your proposition. You couldn't help but giggle a little.

"Hey, (y/n)?" he asked. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, go ahead," you said. Your heartbeat quickened. What was he going to say?

"I'm doing one of my charity livestreams tomorrow night. I know you have work, but I figured you could drop in for a couple of hours, if you're not too tired. Y-you don't have to do it. It's totally cool if you'd rather stay home," he said nervously.

It wasn't exactly the question you were expecting, Mark's livestreams were a really big deal. It's such an honor to be part of one.

"Sure, I'll do it," you said happily.

Mark's face lit up. "Really?"

You nodded.

"You make me a happy man, (y/n)."

The two of you continued to chat, talking about work and various games. You were smiling the entire time. You were really happy to be with Mark, and had an amazing time just talking to him. Near the end of the call, you discussed what you were going to do during the stream.

"I figured we could do some sort of 'New Friends' or 'New Neighbors' tag," Mark suggested.

"Is that even a thing?"

"Probably not... I don't know. We could just make one up."

"How do you want to do that?"

"We could write questions on pieces of paper, put them in a bowl, and draw them to answer. We could do about five or six questions."

"Oh, that sounds really cool, actually."

"You think so? It was the first thing I thought of."

"Seriously, that could be a lot of fun."

"Ok, see you tomorrow, then. Bring your questions with you."

"Ok, bye Mark."

"Bye, beautiful," he said in his low voice.

You blushed bright red before he hung up.

He just called me beautiful.

You got up and went to your bedroom, opening the closet door. Hanging in front of you was your current uniform for the hospital, some scrubs. They said you'd get the real deal within the week. You took the hangers with the clothes and draped them over the end of your bed. You leaned back on the wall, studying the garments closely.

Tomorrow you were starting your new life. You would have a steady job with a good income. You had a roof over your head, and a nice one at that. You were finally going to start the real journey towards your dream.

Even better, you were finally accepting loving a man again. Landon had ruined you, but it seemed that Mark was going to fix that.

Hopefully, work wasn't going to get in the way of... Whatever you had with him.

It really seemed like your life was taking a positive turn.

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