Mitb Qualifying match

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I stayed by Austin the whole time he was in the hospital. I didn't want to leave. Soon the doctors came in and said, "He is fine. He will probably wake up in a few hours. The hospital is currently full so I will have to ask you to take him home within the next hour." I nodded and stood up. Some nurses helped me get him to my car. I thanked them then drove us home.

When we got home Austin was still out. I picked him up and carried him inside. I put him on my bed then laid down beside him. I was so tired. I fell asleep, still holding Austin's hand.

When I woke up I could feel Austin's arm around my stomach. "Austin..?" I said. "Hm?" he said, him still sounding really tired. "I was just wondering if you were awake." Austin sat up and looked at the TV. "Do you want to watch a movie?" He said. I nodded and we watched a really cute movie together. It was really late when the movie ended. "Do you want to go out for a bit?" Austin asked. "Yeah sure!" I said.

Me and Austin went out to walk around for a while. It was pouring rain and it was cold. Austin was running around and just seemed so happy. "Come on Y/n!" He said, running ahead. That's when I realized where we were.

It was a cliff with a perfect view of the ocean. "This is the spot I go to when I need to calm down." He said. "It's beautiful!" I said. "I've never showed anybody this place, so just think of it as our safe spot." He said. I felt butterflies in my stomach as Austin stared at the view. "We could destroy everyone in that locker room.." Austin said. I smiled, "Let's go after the Roman then." I said, "That tribal piece of shit won't know what hit him!" "And the power we would have with all that gold." Austin added "I think I might have an idea.."

Time skip 4 months

Me and Austin both have Money in the Bank qualifying matches tonight. I was going up against Seth Rollins and Austin was going up against Ezekiel. When I was walking around backstage, I ran into Roman Reigns. "Hey! Tribal piece of shit!" I yelled. Roman looked over at me. "What did you just call me?" He asked. I responded with, "You heard me. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go beat the shit outta your ex-tag partner." I did the shield fist then walked away laughing.

I walked out to the ring. Seth was already there, waiting for a fight. I noticed and decided to piss him off by wasting time. He quickly tried to land a cheep shot but I moved out of the way.

Ding, ding, ding!

The match started. I ran to Seth and put him in a headlock. When he started to stand up I quickly grabbed his arm and Irish Whipped him into the corner. I kneed his stomach multiple times, causing him to fall down. I went to kick his chest but he caught my foot and reversed it. Then he put me in a ankle lock. Luckily we were close to the ropes so I was able to get to them quickly.

About halfway through the match

This match went back and forth a lot. Currently Seth had the advantage. He went to the corner then hit me with the stomp. Then he pinned me.

1, 2...

I kicked out just before 3. He was about as shocked as I was. As he was freaking out and yelling at the Referee, I got up and hit him from behind. He stumbled forward and knocked over the Referee. He turned around and I noticed that the Ref was knocked down, then I hit him with a low blow. I pinned him right when the Ref started to get up.

1, 2, 3!

I won! I stood up and ran out before Seth could get up. In the back Austin was getting ready to fight Ezekiel. "Good luck out there!" I said. He looked over at me and smiled. "I'm fighting Ezekiel, do I really need luck to beat him?!" He said. I just rolled my eyes then left to watch his match in the back.

He ended up winning his match, like I expected. He came back to the back, limping slightly due to being put in multiple ankle locks. "Are you alright?" I asked. "Mhm I'll be fine." He responded. He went back to change out of his wrestling gear. He came back out in grey sweatpants and a loose black tee-shirt. He walked up to me and said, "I have a idea for one of us to win the Money in the Bank briefcase, but you are going to have to trust me." That's when I finally realized that we were going to be opponents. "Okay, but what's the plan?" I asked. "Don't worry" he said, "Just don't worry about it." Of course I was still confused but just decided to ignore it. Then some texted me. It was Finn Balor.

Hey, Y/n


I need to ask you something, can you come over?

Yeah sure, but what is it?

I'll tell you when you get here

Okay I guess.

I'll be over here in about 15 minutes


I put my phone in my pocket. "Hey Austin, I'll be going to a friend's house." I said. "Alright, I'll leave the door unlocked in case you wanna come home." He said. I nodded and left. I was really curious about what he wanted to tell me and why he couldn't just tell me over the phone...

A/n: Guys sorry that I haven't been updating my stories, I just had really bad writers block. Hopefully I'll start updating them more often, just please don't rush me. Stay safe ily <3

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