A New World

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In Avion a battle occurred where He Man and his friends were against Skeletor and his minions the Dark Masters  , it seems though the Masters were winning the fight . But Skeletor refuse to loose "If I am to fall I'm taking you with me He Man!!!" Skeletor snarled then let's out a roar, channeling all the Havoc magic into his staff and blast at He Man. But He Man counters it with his lightning blast the collision forms what seems like a portal to a different dimension , He Man and Skeletor experience that  in their previous duel but something happened.

As the portal expanded it  became distorted and rippled, then the portal forms a shockwave pushing both teams to the ground. Even without Grayskull's power and Havoc  powering it the portal functions on it's own much to their shock , and the portal steadily turns into a whirlpool then it grew more wild it was sucking them in both the Teams Light and Dark with both teams now through the portal it closes itself and disperse wildly.

Duncan AKA Man At Arms one of He Man's friends who he shared the power of Grayskull along with the others is now falling in the dimension trying to look around to see if he can find his friends but no avail but Duncan notices something  as he continues to fall  he saw a bright light from below and he falling towards it , Duncan screams at the top of his lungs as he got closer to the light.  

Japan the Year: 2030 in the forest Duncan lies on his back unconscious , but a glimmer of sunlight through the leaves shined on Duncan's eyes slowly waking him up once he did found himself not in Avion but somewhere entirely different Duncan notice he still has his wrench enchanted by Grayskull's power and his bag pack of tools a few feet away . 

  As he have his stuff ready travels through the forest which was a decent amount of walking he stumbled upon a cape tunnel , Duncan was hesitant on traveling through it worried what will be on the other side but he walks through the tunnel nonetheless and what he saw was a mansion .

He walks up to the front door he placed his hand on the door knob and notices it was locked he reached into his back pack and found some tools to pick the lock , once he inside the house he notice in abundance of belongings such as animal skeletons  unknown to him and books of different knowledge such as languages and countries that said languages belongs to and histories , etcetera and notices a desk with some notes left behind Duncan inspect the notes but the problem was that the notes was written had a different language and the writing was incoherent along with some doodles scribbled on it .

So Duncan went by the bookcases and try to find a book with the a language similar to the one written on the notes and luckily he found one the book is written japan on the cover and text under it was the words similar to the notes he found , he spent hours reading the book and all the while learning the language though not that he can speak the language properly but enough to read the notes . The notes contained some details about an old company called "Shiva" not enough to know more about it but some of the research they're learning and studying a new material called Archetype still not enough to know about it . 

Duncan found a machine called a computer he found an instructions on how to work on it and when it turned on Duncan look into the internet and started learning everything he can know about this world he landed on using it to learned the Japanese language properly after that he's been reading some of the books to learned more later on the day become sunset . Duncan was on a chair reading a book labeled robotics this book peaks his interests due to him being an engineer .

Duncan heard a noise coming from somewhere around the house as he roam around the house to find it the sound , when he walked right by a book case the sound became louder he move his hand around the book case he felt a lump on it realizes that it was button he pushed it the bookcase suddenly unlatches and turns into a door leading to a secret room , fascinated by this Duncan walks into the room the noise Duncan been hearing was a song .

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