Rodan strikes again

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In Nigashio the police arrived at the beach and spotted a red cloud "That must be it" a cop deduced "Yeah red clouds" another cop agreed as one of them pulled out an megaphone "This is the Nigashio town hall we just confirmed that a flock of Rodans is headed in this direction, you're in great danger please take shelter indoors immediately . Immediately move away from the shore and take shelter you must run I repeat everyone get of the beach right now." Cops were alerting the people on the beach.

Mei was still on the train learning Professor Li's studies "Molecules that no one ever imagined benzene ring, fullerene , rotaxane that sort of thing?" Mei question as her A.I Pelop 2 was scanning " I was unable to find similar composition in the database of known chemicals." Pelop 2 informed her .

"But can molecules like this actually exists?" Mei asked " within the simulation it said they exist and are stable." Pelop 2 answered . At the town the flock was flying over the town one by one flew down and started to attack electric powered objects in the area.

At the Otaki Factory was watching the news seeing the attack until Goro Otaki drove by "Hey you guys what you waiting for let's go." Goro said "Hey Boss go where ?" Otaki asked "We're going to use those contraptions of yours to lead them away from the town get the damn things ready." Goro answered Yun walked forward.

"He's right we have to do whatever we can to help out." Yun agreed with the old man as they walked out Duncan goes in the newly upgraded truck while Haberu and Yun went on the motorcycle "We'll start near the train station." Goro informed.

But then a loud screech has been heard and they saw five Rodans flew over them "they're coming!" Haberu said shockingly "Well ain't that just perfect we'll use them for a test run." Goro said as they prepared to head out "See ya sunshine keep them doors locked!" Goro said to Satomi "Have fun out there and be careful." Satomi said to them as Goro drove out with the others.

"Archetype?" Mei asked "It's a general term for the strange molecules that Dr Li researches." Pelop 2 informed as Mei looked at the object in her laptop " This thing but she succeeded in synthesizing them right ?" Mei asked but she saw a commotion in the back of the train.

"What's going on?" Mei asked Pelop 2 pulled up recent pictures of Rodans attack the town "It's probably this ." The A.I deduced as Mei looked at the pictures "Rodan?" Mei asked as Pelop 2 pulled other pictures and news feeds of the recent attacks "The majority of real time social media posts are concentrated at the Nigashio area."Pelop 2 informed Mei.

Goro and the others were driving towards the town "Even if we're able to drove them away what then?" Haberu asked "Hah then we'll send them all straight to hell !!!" Goro said "But what about us ?" Haberu asked "Minor detail forget it." Goro nonchalantly responded as they saw the hoard of Rodans attack the town " Check out the town." Haberu said startled at what's happening.

"That flock we saw before are back." Goro informed them as Yun saw them from above "They're getting closer, let's do it." Yun said as he rotating the antenna "Now beginning radio wave eduction." Yun said as he broadcasting the frequency but no response so he amped up the frequency.

Now getting their attention the Rodans started to flew down and Duncan activates the arms on the truck and grab hold of the closer Rodan and threw it away diverted some of the Rodans attention on the truck "Looks like it's working." Yun said as Duncan's truck was swatting the Rodans away " Great we're gonna keep going until we lure a whole all of them away from town and taking out most of them while at it" Goro told them .

"It's that a really good idea." Haberu muttered worriedly to himself but then he notices that three more Rodans was flying in front of them "Oh no there's more in front of us!"Haberu warned them in fright

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