Claws and Spikes part 1

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It begins when Kai and the Otaki workers were following the sound of the gunfire Kai manage to outrun them until they run in with some hunters "Hold on you guys it just people so don't shoot." One of the hunters informed the others"Hello everyone sorry to disturb you." Kai apologize "You heard the gunfire didn't you, the three of you guys should go back it's dangerous out here we're just about to..." The hunters warned them until one of the hunters was frighten about something he saw.

They turned to see what he was looking at and what they saw was that spiked monster that got shot by the soldier Yun decided to following the creature as he started to run after it much to Haberu and the hunters confusion meanwhile far away from the group and the hunters the tiger was also following the gunfire but in a different direction  and began remembering back.

This green tiger like Duncan he was He Man's friends who shared the power of Gray Skull the prosthetics he wore on his paws was to replace the claws he lost to a poacher the prosthetics was constructed by Duncan hence why he recognized the foot patterns the prosthetics is enchanted with Gray Skull's power like Duncan's wrench from before.

Like Duncan Cringer the tiger he was also dropped into this new world but separated from the collision a few weeks ago Cringer woke up after being pulled in from the portal he looked around to see his comrades "He Man everyone!!?" Cringer called out to his friends but no response yet he realized that he's in a different world but he ventures on in the forest.

He had to keep himself hidden from the the hunters that travel in the forest luckily Cringer uses his green fur to hid himself in the bushes and trees around him as he walks by a river he then takes a drink and lap the water he then heard creaking and cracking from the trees he assumes a fighting posture and ready to face whatever coming.

Something large jumps off the cliff and landed near him it was the spiked monster, like Rodan the creature has a dinosaur like appearence but more land bound and  much larger than him but he stood his ground nonetheless Cringer was growling at the creature but then he stopped because he notices something about the monster it didn't seem to be bothered by the tiger he simply starring at him with curiosity .

Cringer relaxed himself as he figured out that the monster didn't pose a threat to him , Cringer walked in front of the creature and sat down in a calm composure the monster curious at the display and then followed his example by sitting down.

"What matter of creature are you?" Cringer asked the dinosaur confused of what he said and it gave him a low growl in response but the growl was not hostile and the tiger understood it and then the creature has notices the prosthetics on his paws and was interested in them.

The creature leaned down and smells the prosthetics , Cringer was surprised about this but he didn't make a move knowing that the monster wouldn't harm him and it move back from Cringer .

"My old claws were taken from but thanks to my friend he build me new ones." Cringer explain not that the monster understand but an idea occurred to him "It seems like I found a new friend for the time being." Cringer said and the creature in a way understand and became excited that it made a friend.

As days passed on that these two become friends they've traveled around the forest and then the Rodan incident occurred they survived the attack but the other problem was that the monster likes to run off on it's own and surprising for the tiger is that it runs fast for something it size.

And it ventures off of the forest and cause some disturbance at the town last time it did that it stole one of the Rodan carcasses and ate it the smell was horrible for the tiger which later led to the event of the soldier shooting at it.

Cringer was tracking it through the beast's scent but there was a familiar scent but he continues forward when his new friend's scent it's up ahead once he meet his destination  he detected a new smell he hid in a bush and remain quiet and .

He Man and the Masters of The Universe : Singular PointNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ