Man at Arms vs Rodan

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Previously on He Man the Singular point

"If I'm to fall then I'm taking you with me He man " Skeletor snarled as he and He man blasted it created a space time worm hole and pulled both the masters and the dark masters in , and now Duncan is dropped on a place called Earth.

Duncan had to adapt to this new world , meet new acquaintances called Otaki Factory compared to his old world Eternia earth is plain and normal until one day a dinosaur like a creature starting to wreak havoc in a town of Japan will Duncan handle this chaos alone let's find out.

Meanwhile Haberu checked if anything at Misakioku was suspicious he met up with an old friend named Mei Kamino she's a bright also very clumsy young lady as they were riding back in their town they're oblivious of what's happening there.

And now at the town the scared young boy still sniffling and shedding tears Yun covered his mouth to not drawing further attention of the beast but it was too late . The creature stared at Yun and the boy opening it's mouth slowly exhaling a long snarl at them it's breath was putrid and humid Yun couldn't hold his breath for long .

"It's the moment you all been waiting for!!!" Goro shouted out activating his robot Jet Jaguar the robot design is odd to say the least , its head is in a strange cone shape and it has a cartoonish looking smile and it's arms are long and have three fingers and it has small stubby legs and he's prepared to fight the monster .

As Duncan was hiding in the alley he reach for his wrench and shouts " By the power of Gray Skull!!" His wrench started to glow and summoning machines around Duncan and his wrench started to transform and turns into a high tech mace almost as tall as him and, the machines floating around Duncan starts to open up and Duncan let's the machines float to him and morph into a technological battle armor covering his entire body, his head in a helmet with a glass visor covering his face.

After the transformation was done Duncan heard the fight was still going on the dinosaur pounced on the robot grabbing a hold on his arm by biting on to it threatening to rip it off , until Duncan AKA Man at Arms charged at it jump towards with his mace was charged with electricity and slams the mace on the creature catching the creature's attention letting go of the robot .

While Goro Otaki was recuperates the creature charged at Man at Arms while he stood his ground pointing his mace at the incoming monsters his weapon charged with electricity he slams his mace into the ground and summon eight small drone like machines and started shooting laser like projectiles at it.

The creature was surprised about this and took flight in the air got hit by some of them and left burned like bruised on it's abdomen while it was flying Duncan ran and jump in midair an energy like board appears under his feet and he uses it to fly following the creature.

The people in the area witness what happened surprising them more already, in the sky Man at Arms tries to hit the monster but it kept maneuver around his hits as it tries to take a bite at him but he was dodging the bites then the creature picked up speed flying fifteen feet away from him

And it sharply turn to face Man at Arms and flies towards him Duncan charged his weapon up and does the same but the creature maneuver him by flapping upward dodging the attack and clamps his clawed feet on his shoulders and hoist him up.

Man at Arms energy board disappeared but it doesn't stop him from hitting the creature slowly making it loosing his grip on him ,it briefly let go of him so it has a better grip on him and the dinosaur tries to bite him but it doesn't get a chance because Duncan swung the mace across it's face.

Letting go of him the creature flapped it's wings a few times to regain it's flight and it grabs Man at Arms yet again only this time uses it's wing like arms to grab hold of his arms while it's feet grabs his legs and Duncan's mace was sent flying upon impact.

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