Claws and Spikes part 2

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In New York the three teenagers were Prince Adam , Teela and Krass also known as He man , The Sorceress and Ram Ma'm and they're facing a flock of Rodan . During the fight the civilians had made an evacuation and while they were making a good effort against the flock they realized that they are getting overrun . He man and the Sorceress combined their powers together and formed a giant falcon made of light and when it flew to the Rodans it turns into a large burst of lightning shocking the entire flock  as well short circuiting every electronics in the city.

At Misakioku Sato was in a room with his boss Yamamoto using an overhead projector to show him everything he studied about Ashihara and how he was in a large discovery about a red tide founded in Nigashio eighty years ago and discovered a new variety of jellyfish and proceed to study it . Yamamoto was intrigued about this and he mused about he'd a hundred years old by now with Sato coming up with assumption that Ashihara might not be dead.

The old lady and the man who was at a facility had to stop the search of the lake beneath the SHIVA facility due to coming across a giant monster resembling a demonic hybrid of a gorilla and a baboon the man named  BB ,the soldiers and his coworkers barely manage to both escape and barricade the entrance to prevent the monster to escape .The old lady and BB were in a room discussing about the current events" Salunga?" The elderly lady questioned " That's the name given to the monster by our staff, The emergence of an organism composed of red dust is yet another predictions of Ashihara come true." Ashihara explained " And what exactly does it want?" the elderly lady asked .

"It may try to reach the surface in an attempt to find clean air. If Ashihara was correct , then we should also consider that it may try to reclaim the treasure that we stole from it." BB deduced which surprised the old lady " SHIVA right?" the old lady questioned " It broke through the wall in only a day it'll break through the others very soon. " A soldier explained " Can it slow it down?" the lady asked until BB cuts in "I'm afraid we have bigger problems right now , namely the stable existence of red dust and phase alpha . In the past ten years of experiment , we've  been only to make the material exist for 000.1 seconds" BB deduced.

Meanwhile Mei was in a library with a small box shaped robot " Annuls of Artificial Chemistry  It's from 1960, Volume 18 . And.." Mei said to herself " Where's the next shelf" Mei asked the little robots "It's ten meters ahead and two meters to your right." the robot answered turns out her A.I Pelops 2 who's installed into the robot , Mei was being confused about what book she's supposed to get " Every one of these is just a minor publication . Is your new body used to it yet?" Mei asked Pelops 2 " It's specs are 256 better than your PC." Pelops 2 explained .

"Hold on didn't you say that your individuality was linked to the PC itself?" Mei asked sarcastically " Whoa no need to get an attitude . " Pelop 2 snarks back "Ashihara was the first to study Archetypes , but at the time no could comprehend most of his research." Mei said as she was looking for the book " He must really seem like a crazy man , the journals that published his writings haven't been digitized . When a paper isn't published it's either cause it was rejected or the author was against it." Mei stated .

"Couldn't he have also just been plain wrong?" Pelops 2 asked " Maybe so ." Mei guessed until she found the book she was looking for , as she opened the book and looked at a few pages and saw a picture of scientists such as Ashihara "That's what Dr. Ashihara looks like ?" Mei asked herself as she saw how skinny and crazed he looks like he hadn't eaten , drink or slept forever and she turns the pages and saw his notes which was in an disarray and incoherent she's mused that no wonder his papers wasn't published she couldn't make out any of what it meant and this what she got her interest a little equation that just says 6 equals 9 .

News has been out that the sea serpent like creatures named Manda are headed towards Tokyo Bay and Japanese Navy ships were arranged to prevent the Mandas from reaching towards Tokyo and a  general who was a middle aged man with a slight scar on his forehead was investigating on the Phenomena occurring " Rodan appeared first in Japan and then spread from there , they must have a nest in the Pacific somewhere . So I could see them reaching America's  West Coast but to descend on New York maybe they traveled the Panama Canal? "  The general question  .

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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