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Hello everyone, and welcome to the Shining Star Awards


The Shining Star Awards are affiliated with Sunflower Community (SunflowerCommunity) but are not actually a part of them. So I know it's confusing with the Sunflower prizes, but it's just because they're a close affiliation, as both are run by me. These are separate projects.

Here at the Shining Star Awards, I, your host, will moderate as you become judge, jury, and executioner to each other! That's right, you will judge each other's works! You'll see more info in the next chapter about how this is going to work. 

The rules are mainly in the next chapter, but before you get further, I want to let you know these awards are for the best of the best. As such, your reviewing skill and book will be screened upon your entry (more detail in next chapter). So polish up your book before filling out the form!


In this unique set up, you will get to know your other contestants, expanding your writing circle of friends. You will also receive detailed feedback, grow your reviewing skill, and have a ton of fun! Be prepared for exposure and connecting! If this sounds appealing to you, check out the next chapter for more info!

The Shining Star AwardsWhere stories live. Discover now