First clue

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Tuesday, May 20th, 2027. 3:30 pm

"-and another dead body has been found within the vicinity of the circus. A young girl around the age of 15 was hung by several balloons, floating in an abandoned warehouse. Witness says her insides were taken out, along with her throat slit open. Police are having trouble with this case. In other news-" He cut off the tv, tickked off.

"Hiro..can we start working on this already!?" He stomped into the kitchen, annoyed. "Bro, chill. We'll start in like.." He checked his watch. "4 hours.." He rolled his eyes, slamming the fridge as he grabbed water. "Relax, we'll get to it. Sooner or later." "Soon? SOON!? This is serious! If we don't get to this, we might be next!" He sighed, giving in. "Fine. We'll go at midnight." He smiled a bit, walking out.

"God dangitt.."



Wednesday, May 21st, 2027. 12:00 am

"You ready?" He grinned. "Heck yeah! It's been years since I've done a case like this!" He punched him in the arm, giving him an if-you-don't-stop-talking-i'll-shove-a-knife-down-your-mouth kind of look. He shut up real quick. "We gotta head over to Cindy's shop before we start." "What for?" "For coffee, duh." They headed out the door, heading over to "CINDY'S SHOP OF STUFF-NOT A MURDER HIDEOUT" she's dumb...once inside, Cindy was nowhere to be seen. 

"Where is sh-" 


They both let out a shrilling scream at the sight of her, her hair was a mess, her clothes ripped, and her teeth black. She looked like a hot mess. "What the heck happened to you!?" "oh ya know..some stuff.." She gave them some coffee and they ran off before she could say bye.

"hmph. Men these days.."



Wednesday, May 21st, 2027. 12:24 am

They arrived at the scene of the crime, crawling under the police tape. "Well, wonder they couldn't show this on the news." Villical started examining the body with a flashlight and some gloves. "Dang. This is better than what I've ever done." .... "Excuse me..?" He realized what he just said. "Nothing..." "Any fingerprints?" "not a trace...he's good at this. Too good." He stopped, worried. "What's wrong?" 



"Someone's near."

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