Second clue

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Wednesday, May 21st, 2027. 1:00 am

A rustling sound could be heard outside the warehouse. In the trees. "What the he-" "GET DOWN." As soon as they hit the ground, a bullet smashed through the window, barely missing them. They found a small, dusty, dirty closet to hide in, footsteps could be heard outside. A rough, grainy, low voice began to speak. 


He looked a bit shocked, then he looked confused, then finally happy. "JOE!" He jumped out of the closet, hugging the guy. "Who is this?" "Oh, Hiro, this is my best friend from years ago! Joe, this is my brother, Hiro." He waved a bit, kinda shaky. "He looks weak." "Dude, don't do my brother like that." 



Wednesday, May 21st, 2027. 1:39 am

They walked from the warehouse to the circus tent it self, Villical and Joe were talking up a storm, Hiro figured he should say something. "So uh..Joe was it? Are you working on this case too?" He shrugged. "Not really. I'm just here as an alibi. The local police don't know who you guys are. You could get in trouble." The rest of the walk was quiet and a little awkward. 



"so uh...ever murdered anyone?"




"'s cindy?"





(I'm cringing while typing this-oml-)

They stopped talking for a minute, soon a source of light could be seen from one of the tents. Shadows of people could be seen. "Wait a minute..I thought we were the only ones here!?" " quiet." They all lowered their voices, staying quiet. People could be heard talking. 




After hearing every word, they looked like they had just seen a murder. Well-they didn't see it, but they sure heard it. "oh my god.."

"shh..I hear someone coming.."

Some dude in a clown mask in a blue jumpsuit was covered in blood. He looked like he was looking for something..people prehapps. He was holding a large machete.

"I have to sneese.."

"Hiro..I swear to god..don't..."


With him sneesing so loudly, he heard him. He ran at them full speed, cutting one of them on the arm. He held his arm, stopping the bleeding as they all ran.




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