Fourth clue

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Wednesday, May 21st, 2027 3:40 am

"So let me get this straight, you live in the basement of your store..???" She nodded, a goofy smile forming on her face. Joe kinda looked unimpressed, like this was sad poor-person behavior. "It reminds me of when I lived in Dad's basement! Right, Hiro?" "Yeah, how could I forget those..joyous years...Anyway, it's nice down here Cindy." "Thank you!" Joe scoffed, "Let's just sleep. I don't want to be in this.. dinghy..gross place for too long." They all had a bit of an attitude after that little comment. They went to sleep, hoping to be safe in the realm of their dreams.

But like any good tale, whenever the heroes let their guard down... villains are given the chance to come up with something truly..evil...

"What do you mean you saw detectives!???"

"I-I swear! I don't think they were real detectives. I think they're just some dudes messing with a case."

"Either way, this is bad! Ugh..what would headmaster Lolly do??"

"oh yes..what would he do indeed?~"

An ominous voice came from high above, a Jester-like shadow could be seen, but no figure. He jumped down, a cloud of smoke surrounding him for dramatic effect. It was none other than the man himself. Headmaster Lolly. Some were excited, others annoyed. "H-Headmaster Lolly! You're back already?? What about-"

"What about that Gesu of a brother of mine? He let me off early. He knew something would go wrong if I wasn't here to guide such..lovely, loyal servants~" His voice was low and husky, making others swoon over him. However, his lustful charades ended rather quickly. "Now hold on-we don't know who those people are! One of them could be an actual cop! I mean-you saw what that one guy (Hiro) did to Jim!"

Jim was balled up in a corner with a dislocated arm and an ice pack, crying.

He laughed. "Tch, don't worry. I've got a man on the inside. Remember Joe?" "Joe?? Isn't he friends with one of those guys??" "Yeah, Villical. Although...I wouldn't call them..' friends'" That faithful servant looked like they didn't have that much faith in their leader. "Relax. I've got things covered, sweetpea." He winked and blew a kiss to certain people before he left, adding another cloud of smoke for dramatic effect.

While his servants were all obsessing over his entrance and exit he was running off into the forest. He dropped his "Smooth and Savvy" act once he was out of sight, he made a sharp turn right and ran into some sort of shack and knocked on the door before being dragged in. A tunnel was revealed once he was inside, and he followed it down into some hideout.

"Ah, dearest brother! How've you been?" He snarled a bit. "Lolbit. You're late." "Only by a minute! God, you're just like mom sometimes-" A knife was held to his throat, his brother looking like an actual psychopath. "Need I remind you that you're speaking to the "Mallot Murderer"? I Don't care if we're family, compare me to that wicked woman again and I'll kill you."

He laughed, "Haha! And I'll hang you from a thousand balloons and watch you slowly choke to death while you float up towards the powerlines and die...And I'll smile too." He backed up a bit, dropping the knife. "What do you plan on Doing anyhow..?"



Thursday, May 22nd, 2027 -8:40 am

"Hey, where did Cindy go? She's been gone for a minute..." Villical laughed a bit, "Why do you care? Got a crush on her or something??" "N-No!" "Uh...I would hope not, cuz look." In front of them was Cindy with some guy, he was kissing her hand and being "playfully" flirtatious with her. "uh...Hiro??"


"You ok dude? Look like you wanna stab someone."

"Oh..don't worry."

He watched them laugh and giggle, watching him pull her closer and grab her waist. She seemed so happy with him.

"I'm ok.."




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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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