Blood Kiss [Part 2]

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Sorry for the wait guys, here are your long awaited chapter for Blood Kiss!

Blood Kiss [Part 2]

I have been avoiding him. Avoiding him a lot.

When he came strutting down the halls, i sprinted like the dead were after me in a another corridor or even hidden myself in one of the many book shelf's in the halls, with my small form I could easily squeeze myself between two shelves without trying that much. I know it's silly, and I know it's stupid and very childish of me doing something like this, but when he yelled at me, his red eyes blazing he actually scared me. I didn't know what to do, he were bigger than I was, he could easily kill me or suck me dry of blood.

When I was thrown out of his room, many people saw me, meaning that they now have a bigger reason for them to torment me since the big alpha is not protecting the scrawny human boy anymore. Their words not mine. I can't tell how many times they had sneered in front of my face, their hatred sizzling as they treated me worse than dirt. How many times I have woken in the middle of the night, scared out of my mind because I know they are outside, listening to my very breath.

I didn't know what to do anymore, I know when I'm not wanted, and that is now. I don't know where to go, I can't just run away. I would not survive one night in the forest at 0 degrees. I would die, because I wouldn't know how to find food or make a shelter, overall, I'm useless as a human being can be. I can't do anything.

Terissa have been trying to cheer me up with making my favorite cakes, giving me tasty fruit, and even got me new clothes. Nevertheless, I just could not get myself to smile, when I know it would be fake. I would get Terissa' hopes up for nothing. She have been a wonderful second mother to me, after my own mother died of old age. My father were a mystery, but after spying on some of the maids sitting in a circle peeling potatoes while gossiping, I found out that he were a fisherman, that had found mother almost dying on a winter night. She were only 17, and her mother and father had disown her for some stupid reason that I could not remember. My father pitied her and took her with him for 2 years on the sea, in that span of time, they got little me. However, a storm were coming, and the men onboard weren't ready, so they wrecked, and mom and little me were the only ones that survived. One of the warriors found us, and got us to this clan that were now in. And the rest, you already know.

"Hun, can you please go outside and get some apples from the tree? I want to make an apple-pie!" Terissa said happily, clapping her hands together like that overly happy woman she is. Even though she is almost 40, she have not gotten rid of her childish side, but I did'nt care, I adore her absolutely.

Getting up, after yelling a quick "Okay" to her, I dusted my new pants and shirt, since I have been sitting in the same position reading, for almost 3 hours.

I took the back door in the kitchen that have a stone path, leading out to the kitchen garden, with all the fruits and plants growing. I loved being there, watering the plants, seeing them growing. Terissa adored my little hobby, telling me that I have a green thumb while pinching my cheeks like an old grandmother.

Taking the watering can, I fill it up with water and began watering the colorful rosebushes that are around the garden. When I was done, I walked over to the many apple trees, and began finding suitable apples for the pie.

I were reaching up, trying to get a big red apple, when I was suddenly pushed by someone way bigger and stronger than me, I tumbled down the small ladder, landing on the ground with a groan, my head banging. God, what just happened?

Opening my eyes, I saw two girl, grinning at me, their fangs showing, making me cringe as I try to crawl away. But they took a hold of my hair, and yanked me to them, sneering at my face, their breath making me almost vomit, because it stank of dried up blood. I couldn't do anything, than wait for them to be done with me. They were vampires; I can't fight them, that's like digging my own hole.

"Fucking human, thinking he can snatch the alpha from us huh?" One of them, a redhead, sneered at me, kicking some dirt at me, making me spit it out. The blonde-haired woman, the one that were having a good grip of my hair, began yanking me around, making me groan out and my eyes watering, because it really fucking hurts.

"You think that just because you are his personal feeder, that you're a higher rank than us?" The blonde sneered at me, her eyes red, God, just kill me already. I were gripping her hand that's was gripping my hair, trying to pry it off, but I only ended with scratching her making her scream out, not out of pain, but of anger.

"How dare you hurt my beautiful skin you little bitch! Come here!" Then she began pulling me by my hair around to who knows where like a rag doll. I could'nt feel the pain anymore, but I was crying. What did I do to deserve this? Why do I have such a cruel life?

One second I was dragged like a doll, the second I was surrounded by water, the hand still gripping my hair, pulling me under the water, making me plash around, as I try to get free. I am going to die, I am sure of it.

My lungs were screaming for air, my arms waving around like a maniac as they try to find anything to grip to, so I could try to pull myself up.

I could her them laughing as they see me slowly suffering. I gasped in reflex, therefore gulping down water, making me panic. Shit! I am really dying! Help! HELP!

I was trashing around like a lunatic, gripping the woman' arm, making her screech out as I drag my nail down her skin, effectively breaking it. She pulled my hands away, making me try finding it again, but I could not.

I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker for every seconds that goes. I could feel my eyes closing as dots appear around the corner, I stopped struggling. Please help me...

Suddenly I were pulled up by who know who, gasping for air, I cough out water, clutching my chest I lay on my side, coughing, trying to breath. I opened my eyes, trying to see who it was, but there was no one, even the two women were gone. I was alone.

Getting up was a challenge for my shaking legs, but I eventually did it, with the help of gripping the well, that I was almost drowning in. Walking shakily over to the overturned basket with the apples everywhere, I began picking them up, tears thrilling down, as I try to stop crying, my body shaking, from the cold but also from fear. I was biting my lips hard, almost to blood, my hair were sticking to my skin and clothes too. I was a mess.

Opening the door with my foot, I try to wiggle myself through the small opening the doo made. Terissa being on the other side, her hands on her hips, looking ready to bombard me with questions, but when she saw me, eyes red and body wet, she panicked. Taking the basket from me, she laid it beside the door as she pulled me to the wood stove, where she pulled me down to one of the small benches that are around the place. She wrapped a blanket, that she got from somewhere around me, making me looks thankful up at her; she gave me a pained smile.

Sitting beside me, she began warming my feet up, with rubbing the blanking on them, I did'nt say anything to that whole process.

Terissa were sitting beside me, I myself were holding on a cup with steaming tea with both of my shaking hands. I have gotten out of the wet clothes, and got in some new ones, with the help of Terissa of course. Now we were just looking at the dancing fire, enjoying the warm that is emitting from it. My shaking have stopped a little, making it possible for me to drink the tea that was provided for me.

"Dear, can you tell me what happened" Terissa asked, her hand running of and down my back, making me almost crying, because gosh, she were so caring.

"N-nothing ha-happened. I-I was out swimming for a little" I lied, my teeth's shaking and my hands gripping around the teacup harshly. Terissa did'nt look convinced at all, but she understood that I did not want to talk about it.

There was a silence for a moment, until someone opened the main door to the kitchen harshly. Me and Terissa both whipped our head to see the door banging loudly to the wall, making me flinch.

"Can you tell me why one of the women were coming crying to me, telling me that you assaulted her, when she only wanted to help you?!" Xavior roars, his voice shaking the room, making us both flinch.

Shit, are you fucking kidding me?

[A;T] Well, someone is lying..huh.

XoXo Ari

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