Not so innocent [Part 1]

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Not so innocent [Part 1]

He looked like every gay man's wet dream. Big chocolate eyes with long eyelashes girls would die for, his skin fair, with small freckles around his neck, and don't even have me start on that neck of his. Collarbone so strong, in a weird way complimenting his soft looking pale skin, if i could i would bury my face under his and just lick and bite that neck of his until it turned red. And his lips, goodness, those plump pink lips, imagine having them wrapped around your dick, eyes looking up at you while you stroked his face, running your hand through his silky honey brown hair. I could feel myself starting to get hard, just by thinking about it. Palming myself for a second i began walking down the hallway to the cafeteria meeting my friend that i were supposed to do a long time ago, if i wasn't distracted with this beauty.

His name is Jamie, senior just like me, but didn't look a day over 18, but his actually 22, having gone to the same college as me for 3 years now, but have known him for so much longer. Have been looking at him like a creep since high school freshman years, but never approached him, too scared to sound dumb in front of him. Jesus, he must have hundreds of men lining for his affection, offering their soul right now, so how could lil' ol' me have the chance to win his heart? Zero, that's how much, well maybe 3 or 4, if my looks were his type. You know, dark brown hair and green eyes is pretty sexy, and i wasn't scrawny looking, there are some muscles from the training in my high school years, but you know, still fine looking if you asked me. But well, never mind, i never approached him; he wouldn't know anything of me, it's too late now. I was a dumb kid back then, and still are.

With hands in my jeans pocket, i walked inside the cafeteria, straight to my friend' table. Some sluts giving my sultry looks on my way, promising me a good time if i wanted them, see, still fine. Well for the ladies, and that's kind of unlucky since i wanted the opposite: Jamie's interest. Jezz, his way out of my league.

"Hay man, still thinking about 'he who must not be named'?" Jake, my best friend, said, winking jokingly at me with his Harry Potter reference. His a big nerd in that area i tell you.

"Shut up Jake" I said, blushing a little, when Jamie walked inside with his friend; Kalie, a fierce woman that you should not be in the bad side with. They walked over to their usual table; the one close to the window and began taking their lunchboxes up from their bags. They never bough anything from the cafeteria, probably thinking the food is too disgusting; that it is, even i didn't buy anything, so i always have my own lunchbox with me. But i would never have a lunch looking so delicious as Jamie's, Jesus, he's like a gooddamn chef. He's so perfect.

I began eating my homemade hamburger. Still sulking over why i haven't made the moves on him yet. If i didn't do it now, then it would be too late, and Jamie could end up being with another man. Yes man, he came out senior year in high school, there were no surprise though, everyone knew that he were gay since he never hanged out with 'the dudes' and always were together with the girls, talking about hot guys in magazines, yes very much gay.

"You should totally make the moves on him now" Jake whispered to me, making me almost choke on a piece of beef, coughing i drank the cola i bought from the vending machine. I looked surprised at him, wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I whispered back, why so sudden? Jake smirked, looking at someone behind me. I think i know who he is. My heart began hammering. Shit shit shit.

"Ah ehm, hello Tyler" Jamie said with is angel like voice, making my shudder a little. Shit shit double shit. I looked at him. Standing in front of me is the man of my dreams. Jesus, I'm not ready fuck you God.

With slightly shaky hands, i wiped them on the same napkin i used before, running my hand through my hair, i began chanting inside myself; fucking hell man, you need to look sexy, sweep that man of his feet dude, make him blush like a maiden! You can do it! Win his heart! I suddenly got this power, the power to actually answer him like a real man.

Not so innocent [Gay One Shots]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon