Chapter 1: Letter

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Golf Ball's Pov

When the doors of the cafe make their familiar jingle sound, I direct my attention to the patron who was responsible and nearly forgot my own name. As the stranger slowly approached the register I took the time to recompose myself and begin speaking.

"Hi. Welcome to the mouse house cafe, what would you like to order"

"Oh- uh thank you. Could I-"

He seemed pretty caught off guard as if had never ordered coffee in his life. I didn't blame him though. His body language made it clear his mind was probably pretty occupied with something other than common sense today.

"Alright, could I just get a regular cappuccino and a chocolate chip muffin to stay?" he stumbled as he spoke but eventually got it out.

"Yes, of course. I'm just going to need a name for the cup"

"Oh right. Just Tennis Ball's fine." he said as a slight smile finally planted itself on his face."

It's been weeks since that day. Strangely at that time, I noticed myself more and more seeking out every opportunity to work the cash register and more and more, Tennis Ball stumbles his way into the cafe clumsily before reaching the counter where I greet him. Everytime he gives me his same nervous, yet warm smile, always like he's not expecting a cashier to ask him his order. Once he gives me his usual, he trots over to the booth by the window, sets down his messenger style bag, removes a computer and begins typing. In all my time working here- heck all my time ever, I've never met someone like him, even from the small glimpse i've seen. He seems to look at the world in such a unique way that reminds me more of myself than anyone I've met before.

It was a particularly slow day at the cafe when he walked in and gave me a big closed-eye smile and wave that I greeted him differently.

"Hey tennis ball. Do you just want the usual?" I asked

He reached the table as he responded "Yes! Thank you golf ball." in a tone I can't recall if I was familiar with.

I looked down at his bag for a moment before returning my gaze to his soft emerald green eyes and asked "Hey if you don't mind me asking, what is it that you do everytime you come in here? What are you typing on that laptop?"

He hesitated before closing his eyes and reaching up to stroke the back of his head.

"Wow I didn't expect you to take interest in that but truly, I've been working on a book. It feels a little silly but it's just always been a dream of mine to become a writer. and I guess I just thought there's no better time to give it a shot than the present."

His inflection seemed almost apologetic, like he thought being an author was something to be ashamed of. Honestly it explains a lot about his mannerisms that he was a writer. I knew there was some deeper reason behind his unique patterns and behavior.

I finally realized I hadn't answered him yet and snapped back into reality.

"That's amazing! In fact, I consider myself quite an experienced reader yet never in my life have I met an author in person."

"Gee! well I'm not quite sure if I would call myself an author. It's still only something I'm doing on the side, more like a hobby than an occupation."

"Well... Maybe I could try looking at what you've made?. It's not worth just being a side hobby if you really are as promising at it as you are consistent?" I told him with a sudden confidence even I didn't expect to have.

"Oh- You would really do that for me? Of course yes! How would tonight right here work?"

"That works great. I'll be looking forward to it Tennis Ball." I said with an involuntary smile on my face.

He chuckled and said "I'll be looking forward to it as well, Golf Ball" and with that, he made his way to his usual seat and sat down.

The rest of the day of work went slowly as all I could think about was Tennis Ball. I felt so drawn to him. More than any other person I have been before. Just something about the way he operated was... different. Refreshing. A few more customers came and went and the hours ticked down until eventually I was able to pack up my stuff and leave for the night. It was still only dusk so the streetlights were still off as I walked down the sidewalk. I neared my house when I noticed something that I couldn't identify. I reached my doorstep shortly after and crouched down to the object. It was an envelope laying on my doormat addressed to my name. I picked it up curiously and walked in through my door where I placed it on the kitchen table. It carefully opened it to find a letter.

Dear Golf Ball,

To be continued...

Authors note: Wow ok so here I go. I wanted to write this to set up the rest of a fanfiction I've been planning for months now and I think I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I wrote this chapter first and although I'm releasing it now, I plan on taking a good while to get through the next chapter in case I wanna change anything big with the direction I'm taking it before fully committing to the story so it all feels natural. Because of that, think of this chapter as more of a teaser for what's next rather than a beginning of any sort of schedule. I believe that's all for now so I will see all you lovely individuals sometime in the next 10 years and I hope you have a great day whenever your reading this :)

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