Chapter 2: Decision

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Tennis Ball's Pov

I curiously left the piece of paper on my table and rushed to the bathroom. The urge to stop and read it then and there was unbearable but the thought of being late to my first planned human interaction in months was worse.

I turned the knob on my shower and chose not to wait for it to warm up before getting in. I don't know how I let myself get home so late on a day like this. I ran shampoo through my long hair and considered whether it was worth finally cutting just for all the time I'd save showering each day. I finished up as fast as possible and stumbled my way into a towel next to the door.

Maybe stumbled was an overstatement, it's not like I really had room to fall over in my cramped little bathroom in my cramped little apartment I could barely afford. I guess that's what you get for putting the job you want over the job you have.

I got to the sink and started brushing my teeth aggressively. In the process I looked up to the mirror and realized I was well overdue for a shave too, but there sure wasn't any time for that now. I rinsed my mouth and threw myself out of the bathroom. I dried with my towel messily and began searching my drawers for an outfit that looked nice. Why did I care so much about this? It's not like it's the end of the world if Golf Ball wasn't the biggest fan of how I dress? I barely knew her anyway. Whatever. I don't have time for overthinking right now.

After grabbing my bag off the floor and finally getting to the door I stopped. Was I forgetting something? The letter. I ran back and stuffed it in my coat pocket before sprinting and opening my door at last. I power walked to the stairs and eventually out into the shocking cold. I questioned turning around and putting on a third layer but dismissed the thought before it could even properly form.

There was still a sliver of sun in the sky but I knew it wouldn't last long. The days were getting shorter and shorter after all with it being early november and all. I checked my phone. 4:52. Thank god the café is so close to my house. I pushed my hands deeper into my pockets so that my coat might actually have a chance and kept me from freezing.

After a treacherous walk through the cold, I saw the warm, cozy glow emitting from the café. I'm glad this place is here. It's sure been a good place for me to waste the last few months of my life on this silly project. I eventually got close enough to read details on the door and began scanning for Golf Ball. I pulled out my phone again. 5:03. I opened the door, walked in and looked around for her. I must be early I think and make my way to the table next to the door where I've wasted so many hours knowing she'll know to check here when she shows up.

After settling in I remember the letter. I reach into my pocket and take it out. It's weird because there's no information on the front besides my full name written in cursive. It's clearly not a bill or anything, seems too informal for that. I turn it over and start fiddling with the tab to open it when the cafe doors jingle. I look over and see Golf Ball walk in.

Wow. Was she always this pretty? She looked over to me and I stuck my arm up to signal to her.

"Hey Tennis Ball! Sorry I'm a smidge late, I got caught up with something weird."

"No worries at all! I'm just glad to see you haha." I say, suddenly a whole lot more nervous.

"If you don't mind, What weird thing did you get caught up with" I try to make conversation

"Well when I got home I noticed lying on my porch was a mysterious letter," my eyes widened "It was weird because it didn't have any information besides my name on the front-"

She had more to say but I couldn't resist cutting her off.

"You mean like this?" I lifted mine up from where I had it sat next to me and showed it to her

"YOU GOT ONE TOO?" she shouted and then looked around before lowering her voice and leaning in

"Have you read yours yet?"

"I haven't. I couldn't find the time." I told her.

She looked at me like I had said something insane. What could possibly be in this letter to make her react like this and why did we both get one?

"Tennis Ball we need to read that right now." she told me in a serious tone and I was more than willing to take her orders on this one. Without speaking I fully lifted the flap of the envelope and pulled out a letter.

"Dear Tennis Ball,
We are proud to announce that You, along with 63 others have been carefully selected from thousands of candidates as the lucky contestants for The Battle for BFDI. Hosted by 4 and X, the battle for BFDI, or B.F.B will be a large contest that will take place over multiple months at the very least. To compete in this contest, each of you will be flown out to a single location where you will live over your entire participation in the competition. Housing, meals, and all other care will be provided; the only thing we ask on your part is your presence. This offer is remarkably exceptional and if refused, can not be reclaimed at any point. Please submit your final decision within 3 days of receiving the letter or you will be automatically disqualified and all contestants that confirm their participation will be flown out 7 days after having received this letter. Furthermore, we're positive you have many questions about the ultimate incentive of participation, however this information cannot be disclosed until all contestants are present in the competing location. We wish to see you there and until then, best of luck
Signed - 4."

I finished reading aloud and set the note down. I looked to Golf Ball.

"Yours was the same?" I ask

"Excluding the name, exactly." she responded

"My god... Do you think you're gonna do it?

"I- I don't know. You got a spare 'multiple months at the very least'?"

I chuckled at her reference to the letter.

"Oh no! An excuse to quit my job and stop paying rent! Whatever will I do?" I say jokingly

"I just can't believe I only have 3 days to decide. And if I do choose to go, only a week to pack. And it's all so vague! I just don't know what to think" She said, Her mind was clearly racing and she looked overwhelmed.

"I think that I just have to take this opportunity. My life has been static the whole time I've lived here. And now I'm just working a miserable job as little as possible to keep myself afloat until I finish this writing phase one way or another. This could let me finally do something with my life and I can't pass that up. And for you Golf Ball, there's no way you really wanna stay here in this little town and work this kinda job anymore than I do. I think that I've made up my mind. I'm going. And a familiar face would make it a hell of a lot easier" I tell her, trying to establish eye contact.

She looked at me and hesitated before speaking. She sounded choked up.

"I- I guess I have a decision to make..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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