Chapter 2:Echoes of Rivalry

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Andy reached the flat and discovered a man lying on the floor amidst a sea of wine bottles, in a state of disarray. It was clear to him that this was not Trevor's doing. As he contemplated the stranger's identity, Trevor's voice emerged from behind, "Do you miss me?" Andy turned to face him.

"Oh Trevor! There you are," Andy responded, his gaze sharpening as he took in Trevor's disheveled appearance. "I knew you were foggy. Now, you've descended even further."

Trevor began, "Oh! You're saying I resemble you. Perhaps I do. After all, we are—" He paused, noticing Sia's surprised expression at seeing them together.

Sia, with a look of concern, asked, "Is everything okay?" The man on the floor assured her with a yes before resuming his peculiar position, dismissed by the others as easily as an unrequited crush.

"What delayed you?" Andy inquired. Sia apologized, mentioning she had been inviting a friend to the party. Andy accepted her explanation, and they readied themselves to depart.

In the meantime, Trevor went to the kitchen, retrieved a glass of water, and doused the sleeping man's face. The man jolted awake, exclaiming, "It's raining, Trevor! Time to celebrate with a beer!" Trevor, visibly annoyed, rejoined the group.

Upon seeing Andy's Lamborghini, Trevor quipped, "You should proceed. That poor car might not withstand my hotness. I'll follow in my Porsche."

Andy, with a hint of seriousness, replied, "Even that might not suffice. You might want to consider hiding in a refrigerator."

Their impending clash was interrupted by Sia, who proposed, "Stop it, guys. Let's just take a taxi." They agreed, though with evident reluctance.

As they arrived, Sia declared, "Finally! We're home." Andy corrected her, "It's merely a house." Trevor chimed in, "Or perhaps a hotel." They stepped inside.

The grandeur of the palace drew whispers of admiration from the onlookers, who marveled at its capacity to house an entire city. A butler, under his breath, lamented, "Yet, it struggles to accommodate even two people."

The palace's interior was as breathtaking as its facade, akin to a slice of heaven with its endless bedrooms and diligent servants. The walls bore portraits of the estate's former masters, their lifelike expressions suggesting a lingering presence.

The rooms were lavish, furnished with imported pieces, and the garden bloomed with a myriad of flowers.

The palace buzzed with activity; not a soul stood idle as they adorned the space with flowers for the upcoming celebration.

Andy meandered through the palace, his search seemingly aimless, until he crossed paths with his mother. Her voice, laden with emotion, reached out to him, "A... Andy! It's been nearly two years." He brusquely requested to be called Anderson and continued on his way.

Reuniting with Sia and Trevor, Andy found them embroiled in a petty squabble. He distanced himself, finding their argument trivial.

Their mother approached, her gaze hopeful, "How are you all? I trust you're well."

Trevor greeted her with a veneer of politeness, "With formal greetings from our stepmother... I am quite well."

She exited the room, her spirit dampened, reminding them to ready themselves for the party and their father's imminent arrival. Andy remained detached throughout, while Sia reprimanded Trevor for his tone. He retorted with a question about the world's acceptance of truth.

Sia, her patience waning, commanded them to cease their bickering and prepare for the festivities. A butler later informed Andy of the guest room arranged by his mother. He sighed, a sense of déjà vu washing over him.

He reflected, "This scenario repeats itself every time. Were it not for Sia's promise, I'd forsake seeing their faces for eternity."

Trevor teased, "That promise, to return for each of Sia's birthdays, right? How does it feel, visiting this house after a year's absence?"

Andy departed for the guest room without a word, leaving Trevor smirking at his retreating figure.

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