Chapter 4: Echoes of Fractured Realms

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       In the dim light of his room, Andy held a photograph of his father, the edges worn from frequent handling. His eyes, a wellspring of unshed tears, reflected a soul in turmoil. "Why must life's scales be so imbalanced?" he murmured. "A boon for some, a bane for others."

       His mother entered and sat beside him, her voice a gentle whisper. "Andy, don't let sorrow take hold. Your father's ways are stern, but his affection is certain. And in the end, it's just a contest. He's your brother, isn't he? Whether victory is yours or his, we remain united as a family." She placed her hand on his shoulder, a silent pledge of support.

With a jerk, Andy distanced himself, his voice a blend of bitterness and sorrow. "He is nothing but my stepbrother. And you—please, maintain your distance. My temper is a beast I struggle to cage when you draw near."

 "Andy, why do you reject me? I am your mother. Recall the days of your youth, how you would never leave my side. And now, these harsh words. My love for you is boundless, Andy. Surely you must feel it," she implored, her tears a testament to her words.

"A woman who abandoned her first love now claims to love her son? Self-interest is all I see. If you truly had love in your heart, you'd confront him about the injustices in my life. Have you forgotten his deeds?" His voice was a storm of fury.

She stood silent, the past echoing loudly in her mind.

After his father's demise, Andy's warmth turned to ice. His quietude was a facade, hiding the chaos within. Moving into the palace with his mother and Sia, they were joined by Andrew, the affluent owner and his father's confidant. Andrew had a son, Trevor, from his previous marriage.

Andrew's attempts to connect with Andy were met with cold indifference, leading to a growing rift.

Trevor sought to mend their bond, but Andy's response was clear and cold. "We're stepbrothers, nothing more." Trevor held onto hope for healing, but Andy remained unchanged.

As Trevor and Sia adjusted, Andy's detachment deepened. His rare words were often sharp, his frustration aimed at all.

Trevor was at a loss. He confronted Andy, only to be met with bitterness. "Your concern is an act. Our bond is altered."

On his birthday, Sia baked his favorite cake, and they decorated the palace. But Andy arrived late, and Andrew was upset. Andy remained indifferent. "I didn't ask for this. It's your problem." He retreated to his room, where Sia waited.

Sia wept and hugged him. "Do you despise me? I just wanted to make you happy on your birthday. I miss the old you—the one who was fun."

Andy broke down. "Sia, accept the new me. We can't preserve the best of someone in this harsh world."

"Just know that your brother always loves you," he said, not knowing Trevor heard them.

One day, Andrew found his Andy's father sculptures. When Andy returned, Andrew had destroyed them.

"Why? They were my dad's!" Andy cried out.

"Your dad didn't accomplish much with these. He just had family wealth. I don't want you to waste your life like he did," Andrew stated.

"Who are you to decide my life?" Andy shouted.

"I'm your father, Andy. Show respect."

"Stepfather! Your opinions don't matter to me. I'll be a sculptor like my dad and achieve what he couldn't."

Andy collapsed.

The doctor was concerned. "He's physically healthy, but he's struggling mentally. It could be dangerous for him."

His mother approached him. "Please, don't harm yourself. Share your troubles. We'll face them together."

"You can't see? Your husband ruined my dad's creations. That's all I had. My problem is this family. I can't stand these new people claiming to be family."

His mother decided to move Andy to an apartment for his well-being, with caretakers to look after him.

Before he left, Sia made him promise to visit on her birthday every year. Andy agreed, hoping for peace ahead.

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