Chapter 5: Echoes of the Voiceless

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As Andy reached his apartment, the door swung open to reveal Dolby, his loyal dog. The animal leaped with joy, tail wagging fervently, a welcome sight for Andy. "At least there's someone who isn't tied to that family," he thought with a wry smile.

He filled Dolby's bowl and gave the dog a gentle pat on the head before collapsing onto the bed. "Finally, peace for another 365 days," he sighed, the weight of the year's drama lifting momentarily.

Meanwhile, Sia approached Trevor with a curious gleam in her eye. "You're the best brother one could ask for. I was surprised to see you take his side. It seems you don't truly hate Andy. Is it all just an act to conceal your affection?"

Trevor looked at her, his expression thoughtful. "Sia, I haven't taken sides. It's just that I can't stand dishonest victories. Someone once told me, 'You don't become a king by simply wearing a crown; you become one by forging a crown of character.'" His mind wandered to memories of Andy.

Their mother joined them, her voice tinged with hope. "Trevor, let's put this behind us and look forward to your college life starting tomorrow, right?"

"Thank you," Trevor replied, his tone appreciative yet distant, and he left.

"Don't worry, Mom. Andy will change. We'll be together again, just like before," Sia reassured her, but her mother's smile was tinged with sadness.

"Elizabeth! Elizabeth!" Andrew's voice boomed with irritation. She hurried to him.

"What are these two up to? One doesn't listen and is quick to anger, the other speaks with a cold boldness," Andrew grumbled.

"I worry about what their futures hold with such attitudes," he muttered as he walked away, leaving Elizabeth feeling disheartened.

Trevor arrived at his apartment, only to be greeted by Brody's playful chiding. "Oh, the party animal finally wakes," he teased.

"Trevor! How could you leave me here and enjoy the party all by yourself?" Brody feigned indignation.

"You know I waited two days and skipped meals yesterday just to feast at the party," he added, his tone a mix of jest and complaint.

"The birthday wasn't all that great," Trevor admitted.

"What happened?" Brody inquired, concern lacing his words.

"The usual drama, just like last year," Trevor replied, his mind replaying the events.

"Oh, the Andy issue. I still don't understand why he's changed so much and why he harbors such resentment towards you all."

"Let time reveal the answers," Trevor said, hoping for resolution.

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Prestin College in Vatican City was a beacon of excellence, admitting only the top 10% of meritorious or rich students. The cost of attendance was astronomical, a sum that could dwarf the number of rice grains on a poor man's plate. Only the future visionaries like Elon Musk or the current magnates like Jeff Bezos could comfortably afford such an education.

The college was a melting pot of diverse characters, much like its array of courses. Not everyone who acted friendly was truly a friend.

Being part of Prestin College felt like a life achievement. The vast campus held secrets within its walls.

To secure a place here, one had to pass rigorous tests. Yet, to lead a content life within its prestigious halls, there was another hurdle—Oligarch (the test of popularity). Those who passed enjoyed subsidies, while others faced hardships. Merit students from humble backgrounds might become future billionaires, but popularity eluded them here.

What were these subsidies and hardships? That remained to be seen.

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Andy stood at the college's grand entrance, a mix of determination and anticipation in his eyes. "This is where my father's dreams will take shape," he mused.

Suddenly, he was jostled by someone in a hurry. "Sorry, I didn't see you there. I'm in a rush," a voice apologized.

Andy turned to see a peculiar girl with oversized glasses and a blue uniform like his. Her hair was unkempt, her face devoid of makeup, her lips chapped, and her eyes, though pale, avoided his gaze. He couldn't quite make out her face.

"Do you need a lawnmower?" Trevor joked, approaching them.

He leaned in to get a better look at her. "I think the college has already taken care of that. No need for your services," he quipped.

"Why are you here?" Andy asked, surprised to see Trevor.

"To order her a lawnmower," Trevor responded with a smirk. Andy, annoyed but not wanting to cause a scene, walked away.

"Shall we buy it together then?" Trevor called after the girl, but she left without a word.

"Wait for me, Trevor!" Brody called out. "Why is this college so far from our house?"

"It's just a five-minute walk, Brody," Trevor replied.

"300 seconds too long," Brody grumbled.

"Let's embark on this new adventure—an adventure among a variety of wild species," Trevor declared with a laugh.

They chuckled and stepped into the college, ready for whatever lay ahead.

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