Santiago #6

32 13 9

Thursday~ 25|03|2021.

Dear Santiago,

I was told by quite a few people that I'm over-imaginative. Mama told me when I complained to her one day after I came back from school-- my English teacher caught me in class, daydreaming ---that as time goes I would be realistic. But I never did.

If that was possible, my imagination grew wild, transiting me to a new land where reality doesn't exist.

Being the firstborn didn't help much. They're times when people would hold their accusatory fingers at me, simply because I daydream a lot.

Santiago, today was one of these days, when I wished I could dream and block the world.

I learned that Baba's wedding was in three days. Baba's relatives had just arrived.

The house is crowded, more than it did on Eid. I can write right now. Rabi is calling me for dinner.


Dear Santiago Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora