Santiago #14

22 9 0

Friday~ 02|04|2021.

Dear Santiago,

I had a nightmare in which I was held, hostage. The faces of my kidnappers were anonymous. I called out to Mama.

Do you know what the scariest part was?
Mama ignored my pleas for help. She left me alone.

Baba's new wife arrived today. She was elegantly dressed. Tall, her chocolate face shone in the sun. She was perfection.

Baba had built an apartment opposites ours where she would reside. I watched as she took in the surrounding of her new home. Her family congratulated her, and she had a proud smile plastered on her face.

Mama wasn't home when she came,  but Baba was.

When she noticed I was looking through the windows of my room that so happened to be opposite hers, she smiled.

But something wasn't right with her smile.
She seemed happy. Almost as if she had achieved something.

I don't like her already!

With lots of love,

Dear Santiago Where stories live. Discover now