Don't Leave Me

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    He and his family were preparing to leave but my family seriously insisted they stay longer. In a middle eastern household, guests are treated with the utmost importance. His parents kept trying to decline the offer and at that point, the frustrated kids grew impatient. After all, it was ten minutes past midnight, but...

I just didn't want him to leave.

I observed the boy in the distance as he was leaving the house. I decided to quietly follow behind.
Outside, the pitch-black engulfed everything— except for a little lamp, which glowed luminously in the corner of our driveway. The chilled air streamed down my esophagus and into my lungs, forcing a cough to violently scratch at my throat.

"What are you doing out here?" I found his golden-brown eyes gazing at me. Noticing how I had just blown my cover, I sighed and answered, "I'm gonna miss you." I caught up to him and we locked eyes momentarily before I reached for his hands. I asked if I could hug him— actually I don't even remember if I asked. I practically fell into him. My arms wrapped around him while he felt my back. He was pretty startled by what I had done, and so was I.

Holy sh*t, did I really just do that?

    I pulled back, half-regretting what I did. Though in a blink of an eye, he gripped my waist and hugged me harder. I felt an aching pain in my heart; I didn't want him to leave me. I rested my head on the arch of his collarbone, my breath tickling the side of his neck. He just held me there in those lingering moments. He pulled me closer and refused to let go for a while. Without sharing any kind of verbal communication, we both understood the yearning feeling we had for each other.

Regardless, it was time to go.

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