The Soulmate Chant

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A/N: so basically in this reality, every pair of soulmates have a distinct song that they use to search for each other. LMAO THAT SOUNDS SO CORNY.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..." I sing quietly in my closet, shivering with fear. That was the only song that made me feel safe, my mom used to sing it to me when I was scared. I hear the door to my room creak open.

"... You make me happy, when skies are grayyy" he sang with a voice soft like velvet. I try not to cry as I realize what I had just heard. Bracing for the absolute worse, I open the door to the closet and look at the unnamed stranger in my room. His blue eyes looked into mine, and the tears begin rolling down my face.

"You'll never know, dear, how much I love you."

"Please don't take my sunshine awayyy." He sings the sweet words to me as if he was meant to come here and sing them all along. He crouched down to face me at eye level with a hammer gripped firmly in his left hand. With his other hand, he lightly held my jaw as if it was a prized possession. Tears continued streaming down my face because I realized I have never been in the such gentle care of someone else. I can no longer deny it; he is my soul mate. And I find myself melting into his embrace, allowing all my fears to dissolve away. He then begins to tell me his story – one that he couldn't tell to anyone else.

"I was told by a voice to come here and find you. This annoying thing in my head kept whispering 'go to her'. I didn't know what it meant, but after a while it made me go insane." He then explained that he had been living in an abandoned building, struggling to make ends meet. I was in awe for this boy. He fled from his miserable life in desperate search of someone who could help him. My brain started to ache and I cringed in pain.

"Help him. HELP HIM!"

I reached out my hand and pulled him closer. Surprised my own actions, I assured him that he was safe with me. His gaze was so wholesome, it made me want to nurture him and take care of him until the end of time.

We talked for what felt like hours and I felt the boy slowly warming up to me. He told me he'd prepare dinner and began cooking in my kitchen with ease, so I took advantage of the opportunity to sneak away to the washroom. I immediately locked the door, hearing a small click. My eyes darted to the mirror as if its reflecting image carried the solution to this disaster. But all I discovered was a pathetic loser staring back at me. My song's final line is "and now it's time, dear, to drift away" not "please don't take my sunshine away". Tears started to form, blurring my vision. My hands trembled as I struggled to reach into my back pocket and pull out my phone. Teardrops crashed onto the screen, melding with the little time I had left. Hearing him hum my same tune in the kitchen, I instinctively dialled the numbers 9-1-1 and shut my eyes.

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