The Titan War

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I rubbed my eyes, desperately trying not to fall asleep in class. The sun's rays peeked through the window and lathered across the fatigued students like a blanket of warmth. The raspy, coarse voice of the teacher reading a lecture made me want to stab a pencil in my ears.

I can't listen to this old lady any longer.

I carefully rested my head on the hard wooden desk, feeling my skull strike the plank with a subtle "clack".

A wave of drowsiness washed across my body and my limbs became awfully heavy. It took an abnormal amount of energy to keep my eyelids from closing. I felt anchored down to my seat, my face buried in my arms.

I can't take it anymore.

Finally, I surrendered to nature's plea and fell into a deep slumber...

B-R-R-R-R-R!! The sound of gunfire rippled through the air. I watched as waves of soldiers raced off to help at the front lines.

The Titan's Army was too strong.

"Colonel Saina!" I turned around to find Lieutenant Jackson. "We are losing ground. They're pushing us to the City Limits!"

"Fight back!" I reply. As I walked through the bomb-riddled terrain, thousands of my best shooters were running at the massive monsters only to be devoured in two seconds.

The sky was stained with cherry-coloured blood. The scorching flames and rapid gunfire blended in with the desperate cries of soldiers. The soiled air reeked of death. Titan-sized beasts stormed our territory. Energy surged through their fleshy body parts like blood through a human's corpse.

All of a sudden, a soul-breaking scream ripped through the terrain, then all went silent. My comlink crackled to life. "It's the leader of the Titans. We have to evacuate the people, NOW". My heart crawled into my throat.

What's gonna happen next?

Thunderous, heavy footsteps shook the Earth, causing everyone to lose their balance. Fear crawled into our skin, like an airborne disease. In those precious seconds, every soldier prayed. We prayed to God, begging for our lives, asking to be embraced by our mothers and fathers one last time. But we all knew even God can't help us in this deadly situation. All we could do was allow our tears to fall and watch in horror for what would happen next.

Amidst the fog, I could distinguish an abnormally large object- or being. The naked figure was three times larger than the average Titan.

W-wait, why is it just standing there?

The tattered remains of corpses lifelessly hung around its feet, like Christmas decorations. It opened its mouth, letting another war cry escape, before running at ME with FULL SPEED. With every step, the ground beneath shook more and more violently. As it got increasingly faster, I was able to identify its colossal features. Its body wasn't even real. This morbid creature was kilometres in height. Its heels alone were enough to smother one of its own. It was heading towards me, screaming in death-obsessed fury. I examined the beautiful infrastructure, and couldn't bear to wait any longer.

The war is over. Let's just go.

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