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I am no longer allowing myself to think "I want to be her. I want to be that girl." The girl with the amazing boyfriend, tons of friends, the healthy life style coach girl, beautiful long hair, natural beauty, a model on Instagram, always happy, a girl who drinks coffee in the morning and tequila at night. The girl who spends hours at a gym posting every pic showing off her flawless body. The girl with a perfect tan along with a perfect family.
Instead, I am allowing myself to think of the best version of myself, rather than a fake one.
I am going to be the girl who loves being single, and independent. The girl who doesn't have many friends but the few I have mean the world. The girl who's not an Instagram model, someone who doesn't flaunt my skin like it's the only part of who I am, but happy to be in her skin. A girl whose not always happy, because it's ok for me to have days where I want to be sad and sleep all day. I'm the girl who hates coffee and prefers milkshakes in the morning. The girl who doesn't post gym pictures because I am trying to be confident in how I look without the validation of others. The girl with rarely any family, the girl who's not spoiled by her parents but instead on her own since 17 taking care of herself. The girl who's not perfect. But perfectly inflawed. The girls who's authentic. The girl who's herself and happy to be.

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