Things I've learned this year

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1) you can be selfish and still be kind.
2)you can still love someone after they break your heart more times to count.
3) it's ok to let people go
4)its ok to let things go.
5) the past is the past, it's ok to start over as much as you need to.
6) all the bad things people have done to me this year, I wouldn't of done it to anyone. Doesn't mean I'm a better person, it just means I think about others first, and that's ok, it shows how big my heart is.
7) there's someone out there who will love me the way I love them.
8) never let a relationship get in between a friendship.
9) karma's a bitch.
10) you dont always have to look on the positive side, allow yourself to go through the emotions.
11) I would rather be the heartbroken than the heartbreaker.
12) you never want to leave on bad terms, but sometimes you have to, because the other person isn't always willing to end on good terms, allow that to be their loss.
13) things happen, bad things happen, and you feel like world is against you, but allow it to be a lesson.
14) when people hurt you, you can either let it destroy you or you can learn from it.
15) there's nothing more beautiful than mother nature herself.
16) there's nothing wrong with always seeing good in people, even when it's not there.
17) you can be honest and still be kind.
18) be open minded and understanding, sometimes that all someone needs.
19) music enhances the soul.
20) there is nothing wrong with daydreamers, I'd rather have a crazy imagination than be a realist.
21) it's ok to ask for help.
22) rather than thinking about the people who hate you, think about the people who love you.
23) you can love someone without loving yourself, but you should love yourself before you love someone else.
24) I have an old soul.
25) take your heartache and pain, and turn it into beauty to help others who share that pain.
26) nobody is perfect, but theres nothing wrong with trying to be, you should always be your best self. But when your not, it's ok it doesn't mean theres something wrong with you.
27) allow yourself to breathe.
28) live in the moment, but prepare for the future.
29) remember all the people you meet, each of them can teach you something, remember all the people who made you smile.
30) dont wish bad on anyone, wish that they learn and change.
31) everyone loves the feeling of helping someone, what matters is that you actually put in the effort to, and you'll feel so much better.
32) try to make a difference in the world, even if it's just to make someone's day. A little difference to you is a big difference to someone else's life.
33) believe that most things are a blessing in disguise.

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