Chapter 16. Jealousy

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The soft glow of my desk lamp illuminated the corner of my room. The rest was cast in darkness except for the twinkle of lights above my bed. They reminded me of stars.

There wasn't much else I loved to do than to look at the stars. Being kept prisoner in the basement I didn't get to see the sky very often. Some nights I would sneak out and climb into the roof and watch the night sky. I memorized all of the stars and constellations.

Turning back to my desk, I closed my notebook and stretched in my chair. I changed out of my uniform into a pair of yoga pants that had mesh cutouts wrapping around the legs. I wore a black tank with a pink bleeding heart spray painted on.

After tying my hair into a ponytail I brushed the fringe from my eyes and grabbed my running shoes and blood thermos. I was eager to get started on my training session with Bakugou.

I only have tonight and tomorrow morning before the rest of the class learns my quirk. I need to have some control over it.

On my way downstairs I bumped into Todoroki. He was also heading down to the lounge where the others mingled.

"So you going running?" He asked gesturing to my clothes.

"Hm? Oh, yes I wanted to get a good work out in before bed. There's always time for more training." I quoted my father.

He nodded and fell silent. I licked my lips unsure of what to say now. I clearly had made things awkward.

"Something your father said?" He asked so suddenly I nearly jumped.

"Yes actually." I chuckled brushing my hair back from my face. I don't know what was wrong with me. I felt strangely giddy that Todoroki was having a conversation with me.

I really should talk to more people and start making friends.

"Sounds like my old man." He snorted.

I peered at him from the corner of my eye. He had sounded sad, and bitter. His expression was hard and cold. I got the distinct impression he did not get along with his father.

"That bad huh?"

Todoroki nodded. His lips pressed into a firm line.

"I'm sorry. I understand how that can be." I frowned thinking of the torture of experiments my father had me in, and the isolation, and the constant training and pushing my body beyond it's limits until I would black out from exhaustion.

Hearing the sadness and the truth in my words he turned to me. I offered him a friendly smile to let him know that I understood and wasn't going to push him to explain himself. It wasn't any of my business.

We stepped out of the elevator together. When I asked what he was doing down here he explained it was his night to help cook dinner.

"Oh, well what do you like to cook? Do you have a favorite food?" I asked recalling Bakugou liked extremely spicy foods.

"Cold soba is my favorite dish." He admitted a little sheepishly.

"I've never had it."

Todoroki looked at me in dismay.

"You must try it. It's delicious." He insisted. I giggled and agreed I would, but only if he made it for me.

Still laughing we entered the kitchen where Iida was pointing at the chore chart on the wall stating that we were behind schedule.

"Looks like I'm on cooking duty with you." I gestured to my name under his. His mouth twitched into a half smile.

He wasn't as knowledgeable as Bakugou in the kitchen, but Todoroki was organized and precise. He followed the recipe down to the exact noodle count.

My Mother's Daughter (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora