Chapter 17. Supernova

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Bakugou and I lay on the grass staring up at the night sky. Our heads were side by side and our bodies lay opposite each other, like a mirror image.

Normally I would be frightened to be so close to someone, especially alone. Since my introduction to the world outside of the manor, I was afraid to get to close and hurt someone.

I didn't mean for it to happen, but it did. I cared for Bakugou. He wasn't afraid of me even when he didn't know he couldn't trust me.

Now I was a little more relaxed knowing he knew my secret and that he accepted me as I am.

Deep down I knew training to control my quirk and using it in an intense moment were two different things, but I had a feeling deep in my gut that he wouldn't run scared when the time came.

I grew close to him, I just didn't know if he felt the same way.

Or if it's a bad idea.

"So I take it you talked to your uncle then?" Bakugou asked suddenly breaking our comfortable silence. I recalled his advice from the other day to reach out to my uncle and talk to him about how I felt with everything going on.

"Not really. We're both sort of dealing with things in our own way. I guess we are more similar than I thought." I chuckled darkly. My uncle and I were both grieving, but neither of us were willing to talk about it. We avoided it and yet we were both searching for answers.

We're a lot alike.

"You should still try. Take it from me Fangs, keeping shit inside until you explode isn't the answer." Bakugou snorted, but I could hear some truth behind his words. He had clearly gone through some things, and had to work through them.

"I know." I cleared my throat. I didn't know what else I could say to that. I didn't want to press him if he didn't want to share, but I wasn't about to tell him all of my dark secrets either.

Deciding it would be best to change the subject I pointed up, "See that star? That blue one? That's a symbiotic star, or a vampire star."

Bakugou followed the tip of my finger to a blue dot on the black canvas above close to a white one.

"You made that up." Bakugou snickered.

"Did not." I laughed.

"Then what is a vampire star?" Bakugou sounded doubtful.

"Vampire Stars are stars that get too close to another. When it gets close enough it sucks the mass and energy from it. Sucks the life out of it until just a black hole remains." I bit down on my lip thinking of how similar I was to a vampire star.

I was getting close to Bakugou. I cared for him, but if I get too close, I could destroy him until there was nothing but a void left.

I can't do that to him.

I needed to keep a safe distance from him.

"I still think you made that up, but it's cool. I didn't know stars could do that."

"Not many people do. I just had a lot of time to study them." I shrugged.

"Ya know I find supernova pretty interesting. Ya know when pressure drops low enough gravity sort of just takes over and in seconds the star collapses."

"I know what a supernova is." I chuckled.

"Funny how stars are a lot like people." Bakugou spoke offhand, but I could feel his eyes on the side of my face. He was hinting at something much deeper, but I refused to get pulled in. I had to.

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