Chapter 20. Breaking Rules

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"Could you stop pacing for a second and explain to me what is going on?" Kirishima asked followed by a big yawn.

"I kissed Alina." I barked annoyed he wasn't paying any attention to my mumbling. I already said it thirty times.

"You kissed Alina?!" He shouted. Spinning around, I whipped a pillow at his face silencing him.

"Shut up!" I barked, irritated. I knew Alina had good hearing and even though she went to sleep an hour ago, I didn't want her to hear me whine like a little bitch.

"Well isn't that a good thing? I totally knew you had a thing for her." Kirishima grinned.

Ignoring his enthusiasm I spun around.
"Her uncle is Aizawa." I announced.

Kirishima fell silent. I waited for the light bulb to go off. Kirishima was my best friend mostly due to him following me around relentlessly until I accepted his presence, but sometimes he could be slow on the uptake.

"I kissed Aizawa's niece." I repeated.
"The niece he is the legal guardian of. The niece he is very protective of."

"Whoa man he's gonna kill you!" Kirishima freaked out bouncing back onto my bed.

"Thanks." I rolled my eyes.

"What are you gonna do?" He asked sobering.

"I don't know man. I like her." I blew a long breath, "I like kissing her too." I admitted.

What I liked most was being the one she came to with her problems. She had asked me. She didn't see me as a weakling because of my past. I didn't have to prove anything to her.

She trusted me enough to tell me her secrets. She trusted me enough to tell me her quirk and ask for my help. She even came to me with problems about her uncle.

"I care about her man." I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Man Bakugou you got it bad, but I'm happy for you. You deserve some happiness. Especially since your parents- Oh sorry dude. I didn't mean-" Kirishima rushed to applogize, but I held my hand up to silence him.

"It's fine. I don't give a damn what they think." I shrugged.

It was true I didn't care what that Old Hag and that pathetic excuse of a father thought of me. I didn't need them.

"What did Alina say? You know about telling her uncle you two are a couple." Kirishima asked changing the subject.

"She's got a lot on her plate, especially where Aizawa is concerned, so I think for now we're going to keep it on the down low." I dropped my shoulders in a shrug.

I didn't mind that we were keeping this a secret, but I did want that pain in the ass Deku, and that Icy Hot bastard to know she's mine.

But I technically never asked her out. I should do that first thing tomorrow to make it official. Should I get her something? Flowers? Candy?

"I'm glad you told me. I like her." Kirishima rose and headed to the door. He paused with his hand on the doorknob. "She's good for you." He smiled over his shoulder before leaving.

Tugging my shirt off I tossed it into my hamper and fell back onto my bed. Staring at the ceiling I sighed. Normally I would be out cold by this time, but tonight I couldn't sleep.

Thoughts of Alina consumed my mind. I reached up and touched the white bandage on my neck where Alina had bitten me.

It didn't hurt, but that part of my skin seemed hotter than the rest. The way a cut burns when you open the skin.

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