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You were about to leave your childhood home that day when you turned to Alexander. "I forgive you."

    Month later you and Bucky stood in front of portraits of both of your sets of parents, Bucky and found out about the deal your stepfather and the duke had made together behind his back, he wasn't cruel enough to punish them but he did ban them from stepping on Bastian, and Carter properties or, soil again, Bucky originally wanted to force Alexander to step down from his own company and hand it to his sister as well but you insisted not to.

    "They'd love each other." You sighed as you lend your head on Bucky's shoulder still in your white dress.

    "Now we've got to put a portrait up of you." Bucky said looking down at you.

    You eyed him. "I hate portraits of myself." You said quoting his words.

    "Be kind." He reminded you with a laugh.

    You smirked. "And have courage."

    "And all will be well." He said as he led you out to a balcony, once both of you stepped out the kingdom applauded.

Six Years Later

    Your five year old daughter ran through the gardens of the castle as you followed her in a light pink loose dress, showing off your heavily pregnant stomach. Bucky was busy attending a royal meeting, soon going to meet the two of you outside. "My dear Winnie, be careful with the Rabbit."

She looked at you with confusion. "Why?

"Because we watch over the animals." You smiled kindly.

She smiled back at you then she tilted her head. "Who watches over us mama?"

"Fairy Godmothers of course." You smiled. Your phone started to buzz in your hand and you looked to see a face time call coming from Natasha. "Winnie do you wanna say 'hi' to anty Nattie?" You called out as you sat in the tall grass, she nodded running over, sitting next to you, you answered to find her and Rebecca on the other end, Natasha and Becca had found themselves dancing at the ball, and they also slower than you and Bucky fell in love, and just two years earlier they'd gotten married.

    "Aunt Nattie Aunt Becca!" You daughter squealed when she took your phone from you, she rambled about her day.

    Bucky walked out and down to where the two of you sat in the tall grass he pulled you into his side as your daughter ran around with the phone in hand, eventually giving it back to you, she held a butterfly in her hands and came up to you. "Mama look what I found."

    "In french, you remember what they call em'?" You asked her, she shook her head. "A papillon."

    "A papillon." She repeated.

    That night both of you and Bucky tucked Winnie into bed with you singing a lullaby. "Lavender's green dilly dilly Lavender's blue dilly dilly, if you love me dilly dilly I shall love you, Lavender's blue dilly dilly Lavender's green dilly dilly when I am king dilly dilly you shall be queen, let the lambs play dilly dilly, let the birds sing dilly, we shall be safe dilly dilly." You sang, once you were sure she was asleep, you and Bucky snuck away to your room.

    "I love you." Bucky repeated as he kissed you, you giggled.

    You sighed. "I love you, I-I'm so happy I met you in my family's company that day." You held your husband close.

    "So am my girl, my doll, my queen, my love." He whispered.

The End

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