Chapter 4: Maria

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I yelled up the stairs for everyone to come down to the kitchen and help me set up for dinner. Jordan was coming home and I wanted everything to be perfect. He hadn't visited in a few months, and I knew it was because he was busy, but he was bringing a girl this time, so we had to make a good impression. My two youngest, Adrian and Luciana finally descended and picked up plates and utensils. Zach of course, was hiding. He'd reached the age where he was over company, even if said company was his own son.

While Adrian and Luciana set the table, I brought out the food, setting it on mats so the table wouldn't burn. I called out to Zach again, demanding he come down now. He was nervous about meeting Marina, and truth be told, so was I. Luciana and Adrian pretended they didn't care all that much, but this was a big deal. Jordan never brought women around. He was too scared to let them into his life. I finished setting out the mashed potatoes and marched upstairs. Zach was in front of the mirror, trying to decide between a black or blue tie.

I walked up to him, placing a hand on his back. He glanced over, smiling, before turning back to the mirror in confusion. I reached out and grabbed the black tie, a classic. He took a seat on the end of the bed, allowing me to tie it for him.

"You look nice." He said.

"Thank you, so do you." I replied, beginning to tighten the Windsor knot I'd just made.

"Maybe you and I should just skip out on dinner and go out instead." He said, standing up to wrap his arms around me.

I grinned, placing my arms on his chest. The idea wasn't half bad.

"You think she's a nice girl?" I asked.

Zach nodded. "Jordan is a good judge of character."

"I don't think she knows. He mentioned talking about something important, so I'm guessing it's about not revealing our past."

"Then we don't."

"I just want him to meet someone good. Someone that won't judge his lineage. Not everyone can handle a history with a serial killer."

"We're out there."

I reached up to kiss him, holding on to his tie for leverage. He was right, they were out there.

"Let's just sneak out, start a new life without the kids."

I laughed, shaking my head. "Not this time, Mr. Aleksandrov."

"Maybe we'll sneak out after dinner, Mrs. Aleksandrov."

Not that we had to sneak out, Luciana and Adrian had their own lives, but it was more fun this way. The doorbell rang downstairs, disturbing our moments of peace.

Zach kissed me once more just as Luciana popped into the doorway. Jordan was here! Zach and I walked down with Luciana, my eyes looking over the space to make sure everything was in its place, then I nodded to Adrian to open the door. There he was, my first born, standing on the porch with a beautiful dark-haired woman at his side. He was dressed rather casual, no need for a tie. I glanced back at Zach who had already ripped off his tie. Well, so much for my hard work. I hurried over to wrap him in a hug and welcome him home. Hot tears welled in my eyes, but I blinked them away, and let the pair inside.

Zach wrapped him in a hug, too, followed by his youngest siblings. I stood back, watching Marina. She had a big smile on her face as she watched Jordan with us. Jordan clasped her hand, formally introducing us to his girlfriend, Marina Galindo. She shook our hands politely, lifting up a bottle of wine, a gift to us, their hosts. Well mannered, so far so good. We invited them into the dining room, where Luciana and Adrian had finished setting the table. Zach took the wine bottle into the kitchen to chill, while we took our seats. I began to pass the plates, encouraging them to take as much as they'd like. Jordan shifted in his seat, uncomfortably, as Zach rejoined us and started up the small talk.

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