Chapter 8: The Mimic

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Ah yes, the angry girlfriend. You're not spending enough time with me. You're always working. I miss you.

Women were always a soft spot for men, which made them a perfect target. Jordan needed a push over the edge, something drastic to make him reassess.

Killers were made. Kris was proof of that, and if it had to be by me, then what an honor.

I skimmed through the surveillance videos that had recorded during the day. Since he was gone, it was just an empty apartment, but right on cue there was me, dropping off the note and about two hours later, there was Jordan. In his hands was what appeared to be a journal.

He sat on his sofa reading it for several minutes. The camera had not been zoomed in on his face enough to read the expression, but he appeared to be riveted by whatever was written in there. I watched the feed tick by. Movement at the door triggered him to spring to his room in a panic. He finally decided on jamming the journal into his safe. 

I needed to get the combination to that safe. Can't believe I hadn't cracked it yet. In came the girlfriend figure, a nervous Jordan welcoming her. I watched the finding of my note unfold, the lies tumbling out of his mouth.

There was no trust. Dating for one year, 8 months, and twelve days, and there was no trust. Anger erupted into the space as Jordan made up some stupid excuse then exited the apartment. 

How long before he made the connection about how the victims were selected? Marina Galindo, Maria Gutierrez. Melanie Godinez. One was already in my possession, the other was the perfect opportunity to trigger Jordan.

Which to choose?

A surge of adrenaline made my arms and legs tingle. If I chose Melanie, the effect wouldn't be so significant. Marina would drive a message home, but it'd be overwhelming. He'd lose focus, he might spiral, and I needed him to be in control when the transformation happened. I sighed loudly. It was set up already, the girlfriend figure had left him an angry voicemail saying she was leaving since he wasn't going to be there with her.

It was so perfectly set up. That's how these things happened, right? The girlfriend storms out after an argument only to be snatched away, murdered, and left alone in a ditch. Guilt, anger, remorse, and self-pity then reigned on the boyfriend's conscience. I could do it. But Jordan's sanity was not teetering on the edge. He wouldn't snap, what with just the murder of his girlfriend? No, it'd be a wasted opportunity being used so early.

Well, Marina Galindo gets to live... for now.

I turned off the monitor, and grabbed the keys the Super had never taken back from me. Down in the darkest corners of the basement was Melanie Godinez. She was weak from not having eaten in a week and half.

I unlocked the cage, reaching in to drag her out. She was like a rag doll. The time had come to make her famous, for she was being given the ultimate honor. I left her on a heap on the floor as I gathered a bucket and towel from the corner. Above it was a sink, rusted to hell, but still worked. 

Once there was enough water, I poured in a little soap to work up some bubbles. I knelt beside Melanie, rubbing the towel across her skin to wipe away the grime and dirt she'd collected during her stay with me. Her eyes met mine, but held no fear or even recognition. As I made her presentable, I explained what her role was going to be today.

We were going to take a little trip down to the Belmont Shore in Southern California. It was going to take a few hours, but it would be an enjoyable drive down the coast. Melanie shut her eyes, likely falling into a slumber, so I finished up, then undressed her. I'd gone as far as to purchase a new dress for her, a lovely red doll-like dress. It was a little loose, but then again she'd lost weight under so much stress.

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